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Publication 06 Oct 2021 · United Kingdom

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What is ‘COP26’?

The ‘COP’ is an annual global summit on climate change held by the parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The summit is known as the Conference of the Parties, or COP for short. This year’s meeting will be the 26th annual summit, postponed from 2020 because of the coronavirus pandemic.

What is the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change?

The UNFCCC is an international environmental treaty intended to prevent dangerous human interference with the climate system, primarily by stabilising greenhouse gas emissions. Parties to the UNFCCC are required to:

  • Develop and implement national programmes for measures to mitigate climate change.
  • Develop and provide an inventory of emissions and removals of greenhouse gases.
  • Conserve and enhance greenhouse gas sinks such as forests and oceans.
  • Integrate climate change into social, economic and environmental policies.
  • Share information, training and technologies for combatting of climate change.

What progress has been made since the framework came into force?

Key landmarks on previous COPs include:

  • The Kyoto Protocol (COP3) Adopted in December 1997, the Kyoto Protocol committed 36 industrialised countries and the EU to limit and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in accordance with individual targets. It only bound developed countries, because of the recognised principle that they are primarily responsible for the high levels of GHG emissions. The Kyoto Protocol also established a system for monitoring and verifying each party’s compliance.
  • The Doha Amendment (COP18) In December 2012, the Doha Amendment to the Kyoto Protocol was adopted. The amendment included new commitments for parties for a second commitment period, running from 2013 to 2020. The new commitments increased parties’ undertakings to reduce GHG emissions from 5% against 1990 levels to 18% against 1990 levels. However, the amendment only entered into force after the required threshold of acceptances from 144 countries was passed in October 2020.
  • The Paris Agreement (COP21) The Paris Accord on Climate Change was agreed in December 2015 and entered into force in November 2016. It set a central objective of substantially reducing global GHG emissions in an effort to limit the global temperature increase to 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, while pursing means to limit the increase to 1.5 degrees Celsius. The aim is to achieve zero net emissions by the second half of the century. Each party to the Paris Agreement must submit Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) outlining national climate action plans. These are required to be as ambitious as possible and are to be reviewed and tightened every five years. The Paris Agreement also requires signatories to:
  • Reduce GHG emissions.
  • Conserve and enhance GHG sinks (reducing deforestation and increasing conservation.
  • Co-operate on climate change adaption measures, early warning systems and emergency preparedness.
  • Raise education and public awareness of climate change issues.
  • In the case of developed countries, provide financial supporting to developing country parties for mitigation and adaption measures. 
  • Katowice (COP24) In December 2018 the Katowice COP agreed the guidelines (or ‘rulebook’) for implementing the Paris Agreement. Known as the Katowice climate package, these guidelines set out the essential procedures and mechanisms required to make the Paris Agreement operational. The Katowice climate package contains guidance on how countries will provide information on their NDCs and describe their domestic climate action, including mitigation measures, adaptation measures and details for financial support for climate action in developing countries. The Katowice climate package also included guidance on the process for establishing new targets on finance from 2025, to follow on from the current target of mobilising $100bn per year from 2020 to support developing countries with climate change measures.

Was anything agreed at COP 25?

Yes, but many key decisions were deferred to COP26.

The principal aim of COP25 was to finalise the rulebook of the Paris Agreement – an operating manual to govern the mechanisms required under the Agreement and to enable it to become fully operational. However, the parties were unable to reach consensus on key points related to the rules for Article 6 on international carbon markets and cooperation measures. These rules will cover bilateral cooperation on emission cuts, a new international carbon market for the trade of emissions cuts and a framework for climate cooperation including on development aid.

Instead, the parties agreed a text known as ‘Chile Madrid Time for Action’, which sets out a compromise agreement stressing the need for urgent deeper cuts in greenhouse gases. Enhanced Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) were submitted by 73 countries, and some 630 global investors delivered a statement to governments on climate change urging the phasing out of thermal coal power and ending subsidies for fossil fuels.

Other matters discussed at COP25 include:

  • The share of proceeds from selling carbon offsets that should be set aside to fund adaption measures in countries particularly vulnerable to climate change. (A near-final draft agreement was released.)
  • Common implementation timeframes for NDCs, a topic on which no decision was made.
  • Finance for climate impacts and how to support developing countries.
  • The concept of ‘just transition’ and the provision of support for fossil fuel economies transitioning to low emission. (A work plan was agreed.)
  • A five-year gender action plan to support women’s full and equal participation in climate policy. The agreement of this plan was one of the few outcomes of COP 25 to gain praise from NGOs and the media.

Why is COP26 particularly important?

  • COP25 in Madrid in 2019 failed to reach consensus in many key areas, leaving many important questions unresolved and pushing decisions to COP26.
  • COP26 will see the return of the US to the negotiating table, with President Biden making action to tackle climate change a priority, and returning the US to the Paris Agreement after its withdrawal in 2019.
  • COP26 is the first COP since the Paris Agreement for which countries will have to upgrade their pledges on tackling emissions reductions. The UK, for example, has set a new Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of a 68% reduction against 1990 levels by 2030, with a reduction of 78% by 2035. The EU has submitted an NDC of a 55% reduction from 1990 levels by 2030. The US has announced a reduction of 50-52% from 2005 levels by 2030, with the aim of reaching net zero by 2050. However, various nations – including China, India, Saudi Arabia and South Africa – missed the UN’s July deadline for new NDCs. The Glasgow summit may bring relevant announcements from some of these countries.

How will COP26 be run?

The UK and Italy share the presidency of COP26. Host nations play a pivotal role at COPs, chairing many of the negotiations.

Alok Sharma is the President for COP 26. He is responsible for delivering the summit, setting the agenda for the summit and presiding over negotiations. Mr Sharma is a former UK secretary of state both for international development and for business, energy and industrial strategy.

The first week of talks will mainly involve technical and detailed negotiations. There are different types of talks:

  • Formal plenary sessions which are open to all delegates, and which form a basis for adopting agendas, procedures and decisions.
  • Informal consultations which are arranged to facilitate further discussion, with outcomes being forwarded to the corresponding plenary session.
  • Closed bilateral meetings which may take place between delegations or country groupings where the parties seek to clarify their collective position and interests.

In week two, the focus shifts to a high-level segment, where a number of ministerial round table discussions take place, aiming to finalise negotiated decisions and facilitate agreement on the most challenging issues. This segment also features statements from heads of state, governments and high-ranking UN officials.
Running parallel with the negotiations, the presidency programme for COP26 will focus on changing daily topics such as finance, energy, nature and transport. Cross-cutting themes like science, innovation and inclusivity will run throughout the programme.

What’s happening before COP26?

In the run-up to COP26, a number of key events will provide further insight on what we can expect in Glasgow, including the UN General Assembly, New York Climate Week, the Pre-COP 26 Summit in Milan, the first (virtual) session of the UN Biodiversity Conference hosted by China, and the G20 Summit in Rome.

Why is CMS involved with COP26?

  • CMS is putting sustainability at the centre of its business.
  • We have signed up to the UN Global Compact.
  • CMS UK and its international offices are committed to a target of being Net Zero by 2025.
  • We have over 80 offices around the world, but for COP26 we are especially proud to highlight our office in Glasgow.