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Portrait ofLars Eckhoff

Lars Eckhoff, LL.M. (Victoria University of Wellington)

Rechtsanwalt | Head of Commercial, CMS Germany

CMS Hasche Sigle
Kranhaus 1
Im Zollhafen 18
50678 Cologne
Languages German, English

Lars Eckhoff advises companies on all legal aspects of their operational activities, including production, purchasing and distribution of goods. He drafts distribution and supply agreements as well as toll manufacturing, logistics, quality assurance, service and cooperation agreements. Lars also advises his clients on product liability and warranty as well as other nonperformance matters.

He furthermore assists companies with the implementation or restructuring of exclusive and selective distribution systems as well as all related antitrust matters, and he also reviews and drafts terms and conditions and standard contracts. In addition, his practice covers commercial leasing law, and he represents companies in the context of securing and enforcing claims vis-à-vis business partners who are in financial distress. Lars is also an experienced litigator who represents all his clients in disputes, either in or out of court.

His legal training included work experience with law firms in Wellington (New Zealand) and Sydney (Australia) and after having joined CMS in 2006, he gained client-side experience on a secondment at a large international corporation in London. Lars has been a partner since 2014.

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Memberships & Roles

  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Vertriebsrecht e.V. (German Association for Distribution Law)
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  • "Zur Zulässigkeit von Preisanpassungsklauseln in AGB", GWR 2016, 243
  • "Keine Anfechtung einer bargeschäftlichen Kongruenzvereinbarung", Anmerkung zu BGH, Urteil vom 17.12.2015, Az. IX ZR 287/14, NZI 2016, 311
  • "Grenzenlose Haftung? Der Referentenentwurf des § 439 BGB und seine Folgen für die Praxis", PHi | Haftpflicht international – Recht & Versicherung 2016, 32 ff.
  • http://www.marktundmittelstand.de/einkauf/vertraege-im-einkauf-haftung-im-agb-recht-ausschliessen-1231491/, erschienen am 06.01.2016
  • "Kündigung von Vertriebsverträgen wegen Insolvenz des Vertriebsmittlers", NZI 2015, 972
  • "Draft bill on sellers’ liability for defects may result in liability without limits for retailers", Beitrag auf Law-Now am 23.10.2015 (http://www.law-now.com/ealerts/2015/10/draft-bill-on-sellers-liability-for-defects-may-result-in-liability-without-limits-for-retailers?cc_lang=en)
  • "Der neue § 439 BGB: Haftung ohne Grenzen?!", Blog-Beitrag am 09.10.2015 (http://www.cmshs-bloggt.de/commercial/der-neue-439-bgb-haftung-ohne-grenzen/#
  • "Die Hemmung der Verjährung endet bei Einschlafen der Verhandlungen", Anmerkung zu OLG Hamm, Urteil vom 24.02.2015, Az. 24 U 94/13, GWR 2015, 294
  • "Auch ein Vertriebsleiter kann als Handelsvertreter zu qualifizieren sein", Anmerkung zu OLG Düsseldorf, Urteil vom 31.03.2015, Az. I-16 U 70/14, GWR 2015, 233
  • "Bloße Bitte um Ratenzahlungsvereinbarung begründet keine Kenntnis des Anfechtungsgegners von drohender Zahlungsunfähigkeit", Anmerkung zu BGH, Beschluss vom 16.05.2015, Az. IX ZR 6/14, GWR 2015, 213
  • "Die formularmäßige Rechtswahl eines Drittstaates ohne Bezug zu den Parteien ist unwirksam", Anmerkung zu LG Hamburg, Urteil vom 02.09.2014, Az. 327 O 187/14, GWR 2015, 142
  • "Sind Sie auf die Streikfolgen vorbereitet?", Zitate aus Interview mit Julia Wehmeier in Impulse 06/2015, 10
  • "Post-Streik: Das sollten Unternehmer wissen", Zitate in Artikel von Miriam Eckert, 09.06.2015 in https://www.impulse.de/unternehmen/post-streik/2072138/
  • AnwaltKommentar AGB-Recht (Hrsg. Niebling), Deutscher Anwaltverlag, 2. Auflage 2014 (Autor zu § 308 Nr. 5, 7, 8; § 309 Nr. 8a, 8b, Eigentumsvorbehalt, Leasing, Mängelhaftung)
  • "Unwirksamkeit des Aufrechnungsverbotes für synallagmatisch verknüpfte Gegenansprüche", Anmerkung zu OLG Nürnberg, Urteil v. 20.08.2014, Az. 12 U 2119/13GWR 2014, 479
  • "Zahlungsanspruch aus Insolvenzanfechtung wegen objektiver Gläubigerbenachteiligung", Anmerkung zu BGH, Urteil v. 17.7.2014, Az. IX ZR 240/13 NZI 2014, 762
  • "Änderungsklausel in AGB - (Un-)Wirksamkeit einer Zahlungsvereinbarung", Anmerkung zu BGH, Urteil v. 07.03.2013 - VII ZR 162/12, GWR 2013, p. 188
  • "Haftung ohne Grenzen? Möglichkeiten der Haftungsbegrenzung für Lieferanten", GWR 2013, p. 80
  • "Unwirksamkeit von Lösungsklauseln in Verträgen über fortlaufende Lieferung von Waren oder Energie", Anmerkung zu BGH, Urteil vom 15.11.2012 - IX ZR 169/11, NZI 2013, p. 178
  • "Gerichtsstandsvereinbarung, die zum Ausschluss des Handelsvertreterausgleichsanspruchs führt, ist unwirksam", Anmerkung zu BGH, Beschluss v. 05.09.2012 - VII ZR 25/12, GWR 2012, p. 486
  • "Beseitigung des Nichtigkeitsgrunds bei sittenwidrigem Vertrag verlangt auch dessen Neuvornahme oder Bestätigung", Urteil v. 10.02.2012 - V ZR 51/11, GWR 2012, p. 207
  • "Rechtssicherheit und Verringerung der Transaktionskosten? – Das GEKR aus dem Blickwinkel der Praxis", Beitrag zus. mit Robert Budde in: Hahn (Hrsg.), Gemeinsames Europäisches Kaufrecht, Verlag C.H. Beck 2012
  • "Auch übernommene Kunden gelten als Neukunden für Ausgleichsanspruch des Handelsvertreters", Anmerkung zu BGH, Urteil vom 26.10.2011, Az. VIII ZR 222/10, GWR 2012, p. 37
  • "Unangemessene Benachteiligung durch Aufrechnungsverbot in Architektenvertrag", Anmerkung zu BGH, Urteil vom 07.04.2011, Az. VII ZR 209/07, GWR 2011, p. 446
  • "Sekundäre Beweislast der Bank für nicht Bestand eines Guthabens auf einem "vergessenen" Sparbuch", Anmerkung zu OLG Frankfurt a.M., Urteil vom 16.02.2011, Az.: 19 U 180/10, GWR 2011, p. 189
  • "Anspruch auf Handelsvertreterausgleich trotz Eigenkündigung nach Betriebsveräußerung durch das Unternehmen", Anmerkung zu OLG Nürnberg, Hinweisbeschluss vom 28.01.2011, Az.: 12 U 744/10, GWR 2011, p. 136
  • "Bestimmung des Ausgleichsanspruchs eines Vertragshändlers bei Leasinggesellschaft als Vertragspartner", Anmerkung zu BGH, Urteil vom 06.10.2010, Az. VIII ZR 210/07, GWR 2010, p. 573
  • "Prozessführungsbefugnis des Zwangsverwalters besteht jedenfalls bei Beendigung der Zwangsverwaltung durch Zuschlag fort", Anmerkung zu BGH, Urteil vom 11.08.2010, Az.: XII ZR 181/08, GWR 2010, p. 484
  • "Erfüllungsort beim grenzüberschreitenden Versendungskauf ist regelmäßig der Sitz des Käufers", Anmerkung zu BGH, Urteil vom 23.06.2010, Az.: XIII ZR 135/08, GWR 2010, p. 407
  • "Bestimmung der internationalen Zuständigkeit bei Versendungskauf", Anmekrung zu EuGH, Urteil vom 25.02.2010, Az.: C-281/08, Vorabentscheidungsersuchen des BGH, GWR 2010, p. 291
  • "An konkludente Zusicherung einer Eigenschaft sind hohe Anforderungen zu stellen", Anmerkung zu BGH, Urteil vom 17.03.2010, Az.: VIII ZR 253/08, GWR 2010, p. 250
  • "Einlegung einer sofortigen Beschwerde durch prozessunfähigen Beschwerdeführer ist zulässig", Anmerkung zu KG, Beschluss vom 25.01.2010, Az.: 2 W 2010/09, GWR 2010, p. 113
  • "Enge Einbindung des Franchisenehmers führt nicht zur Sittenwidrigkeit eines Franchisevertrages", Anmerkung zu OLG Düsseldorf, Beschluss vom 07.09.2009, Az.: 16 U 62/08, GWR 2010, p. 57
  • ""Unterlagen" i.S.d. § 86a Abs. 1 HGB sind auch die Vertriebstätigkeit betreffende Software und Werbematerial", Anmerkung zu OLG Celle, Urteile vom 10.12.2009, Az. 11 U 50/09 und 11 U 51/09, GWR 2010, p. 11
  • "Rechtswegprüfung bei arbeitnehmerähnlichem Handelsvertretervertrag", Anmerkung zu BGH, Beschluss vom 27.10.2009, Az. VIII ZB 45/08, GWR 2009, p. 464
  • "AGB-rechtliche Unwirksamkeit eines pauschalen Provisionsausschlusses für Zeit nach Vertragsende", Anmerkung zu BGH, Urteil vom 21.10.2009, Az.: VIII ZR 286/07, GWR 2009, p. 442
  • Das neue Recht des Ausgleichsanspruchs, CMS Report XVI 2009, p. 22
  • "EuGH kippt Rechtsprechung des BGH zur Berechnung des Ausgleichsanspruchs", Anmerkung zu EuGH, Urteil vom 26.03.2009, Az.: C-348/07 – Turgay Semen gegen Deutsche Tamoil GmbH, BB 2009, p. 1607;1609 f
  • Einführung in das US-amerikanische Insolvenzrecht, ZInsO 2005, p. 735 ff
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Lectures list

"Liability Without Limits – An International Comparison of Liability Clauses", CMS "Update Einkauf und Vertrieb" ("Update Procurement and Distribution"), Cologne, 9 November 2015

"Basics and Current Developments Regarding Warranty Rights and the Right to Void Rransactions Where There Has Been Voidable Preference in Insolvency Cases", lecture before the Großhandelsausschuss (wholesalers' committee) of the IHK (Chamber of Industry and Commerce), Cologne, 1 October 2015

"Successful Distribution Schemes in Germany and the EU" – lecture within the framework of the "Fit for Partnership" Programme of the BMWi (Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy), Cologne, 19 May 2015

"The German Law on Standard Terms and Conditions – An Introduction", lecture in Morges, Switzerland, 30 January 2015

"We'll Get All of That Back - Liability in the Supply Chain", CMS "Update Einkauf und Vertrieb" ("Update Procurement and Distribution"), Cologne, 12 November 2014, Düsseldorf, 27 November 2014

"Liability Without Limits – But We're Insured, Aren't We?", CMS "Update Einkauf und Vertrieb" ("Update Procurement and Distribution"), Düsseldorf, 13 November 2013

"Liability Without Limits - For What Damage Is the Supplier Liable and What Must Be Heeded When Drafting Contracts?", CMS "Update Einkauf und Vertrieb" ("Update Procurement and Distribution"), Cologne, 27 November 2012

"Liability Without Limits? - What Liability Limitations Are Permissible and Effective?", IHK (Chamber of Industry and Commerce) Düsseldorf, 13 February 2012

"Liability Without Limits – Options for Limiting Liability", CMS "Update Einkauf und Vertrieb" ("Update Procurement and Distribution"), Cologne, 15 November 2011

"Problem Clauses in Supply and Distribution Agreements", TecPart annual conference, Cologne, 23 September 2011

"Liability Without Limits - Options for Limiting Liability", IHK (Chamber of Industry and Commerce) Düsseldorf, 13 February 2011

"Standard Terms and Conditions - More Than Just the Small Print", IHK (Chamber of Industry and Commerce) Düsseldorf, 15 November 2010

"The Contractual Partner in Crisis – An Uncontrollable Risk?", IHK (Chamber of Industry and Commerce) Düsseldorf, 26 November 2009

"News on Compensation Claims for Authorised Dealers and Commercial Agents", CMS "Update Einkauf und Vertrieb" ("Update Procurement and Distribution"), Cologne, 19 November 2009

"Procurement and Suppliers in the Economic Crisis - Risks and Legal Structuring Options", CMS seminar on "Economy in Decline - Opportunities in the Crisis", Düsseldorf, 10 February 2009

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  • 2006: Admitted as a lawyer
  • 2006: Second state examination in law, Duesseldorf Higher Regional Court
  • Work experience with international commercial law firms in Wellington and Sydney
  • 2003: LL.M. in Wellington
  • 2002: First state examination in law
  • 1997 - 2002: Law studies in Gießen
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CMS advises automotive supplier Webasto on sale of charging business to...
Cologne – Webasto, a leading global automotive supplier headquartered in Stockdorf near Munich, has sold a majority stake in its charging solutions business. The business includes charging cables, mobile chargers and wallboxes. The German company is one of the 100 largest suppliers to the automotive sector worldwide and will remain invested in the division as a minority shareholder. It intends to focus on its core business segments going forward. In 2022, Webasto took the strategic decision to seek an investor for the charging solutions business. The buyer is private equity firm Transom Capital Group, based in Los Angeles, USA. The two companies signed a purchase agreement on 7 February 2024. Further details of the transaction were not disclosed.A CMS team headed by lead partner Klaus Jäger advised Webasto on all legal aspects of the sale. The German CMS team worked closely with CMS teams from Mexico City and Beijing, as well as US law firms Miller & Martin PLLC and Locke Lord LLP. The sales process was highly complex, partly due to the fact that prior to the sale the unit in question needed to be restructured by taking appropriate action across a number of different jurisdictions. Webasto has relied on the expertise of CMS in the past, most recently when acquiring all the shares in Luxembourg company Carlex Glass. Established in 1901, automotive supplier Webasto focuses on roof systems and on vehicle electrification in its development, manufacturing and sales operations. The product range includes openable and fixed roofs, electric high-voltage heaters and batteries and thermo management solutions. Webasto’s customers range from manufacturers of passenger cars, commercial vehicles and boats to dealers and end customers. In 2022, the group generated sales of over EUR 4 billion and employed some 16,800 people across more than 50 locations worldwide. CMS Germany Klaus Jäger, Lead Part­ner Anna-Lena Löcherbach, Counsel Philipp Knopp, Senior As­so­ci­ate Domin­ic Zimmer, Associate Nina Fink, Associate, all Corporate/M&A Dr Angela Emmert, Partner Lennard Martin Lürwer, Counsel Marcel Heinen, Senior Associate, all Labor, Employment & Pensions Dr Sebastian Cording, Partner Lars Howe, Associate Dr Markus Kaulartz, Partner Dr Reemt Matthiesen, Partner, all TMC Dr Alexandra Schluck-Amend, Partner Manuel Nann, Senior As­so­ci­ate  Fran­ziska Fuchs, Senior Associate, all Restructuring and Insolvency Lars Eckhoff, Partner Dr Philipp Rohdenburg, Counsel, both Commercial Dr Dirk Smielick, Principal Counsel, Intellectual Property Dr Christian Scherer, Partner, Real Estate & Public Barbara Bayer, Counsel, Banking, Finance & Insurance Moritz Pottek, Counsel, Antitrust, Competition & Trade Dr Arne Burmester, Principal Counsel Conrad Gräwe, Legal Coordinator Romy Rosenhahn, Legal Co­ordin­at­or Stephanie Schulz, Legal Co­ordin­at­or Steven Washington, Legal Co­ordin­at­or Tag­rid Chahrour, Senior Legal Specialist Anke Clippingdale, Senior Legal Specialist Lisa Mattmann, Senior Legal Specialist Sarah Przybylski, Senior Legal Specialist Edris Trabzadah, Senior Legal Specialist Faraz Ahmad, Legal Specialist Jule Marie Holz, Legal Specialist Sofia Schreiner, Legal Spe­cial­ist Al­ex­an­der Stadahl, Legal Specialist, all Smart Operations CMS China Dr Falk Lichtenstein, Partner, Corporate/M&A CMS Mexico Giancarlo Schievenini, Partner, Corporate/M&A MILLER & MARTIN PLLC, Attorneys at Law, Atlanta, USA Mike Marshall, Partner Joe De Lisle, Partner Locke Lord LLP, Boston, USA Jonathan Young, PartnerPress Con­tact presse@cms-hs. com   
Das neue Kaufrecht 2022
New law on sales has been in force in the EU since 1 January 2022, aimed at strengthening consumer rights. It applies to all contracts entered into after 1 January 2022 and affects both B2B and B2C transactions. In this podcast, CMS lawyers Dr Ulrich Becker and Dr Robert Budde talk with Lars Eckhoff about the changes and consequences involved, and what companies need to be aware of.
CMS advises frozen food specialist GETI WILBA on acquisition of apetito...
Berlin – GETI WILBA Holding, a company specialising in frozen products, has acquired the business operations of apetito convenience AG & Co. KG. The buyer is a portfolio company of equity fund CMP German...
CMS advises US elec­tro­tech­no­logy company AMETEK on the takeover of the...
Frankfurt/Main – AMETEK, a leading worldwide provider of electronic measuring instruments and elec­tromech­an­ic­al devices, has taken over the entire business of EGS Auto­mat­is­ier­ung­s­tech­nik GmbH.A CMS...
CMS advises automotive supplier VOSS Automotive on acquisition of Henzel...
Cologne – VOSS Automotive GmbH, part of the global VOSS Group, has acquired Henzel Automotive GmbH, an automotive supplier based in Gründau (Hesse) with around 300 employees. The associated business...
CMS advises NORD Holding on acquisition of online bedroom furniture portal...
Cologne – The RUF Group has fully acquired Berlin-based online shop for bedroom furniture Bruno Interior GmbH. RUF has been part of the NORD Holding portfolio since 2016. The financial details of the...
Consumer Products Newsletter
Below you will find the topics of the news­let­ter:COM­MER­CIAL LAWCoronavirus – Protecting Against Supply Chain Disruption When Shipping GoodsS­witzer­land: New Statute Of Limitation For Liability for Personal...
CMS advises Mindcurv shareholders on investment by GENUI Partners and PRIMEPULSE
Cologne – Hamburg-based private equity firm GENUI Partners and entrepreneur Klaus Weinmann (acting through his PRIMEPULSE investment holding company) have acquired Mindcurv Group GmbH, an Essen-based...
CMS advises machine tool manufacturer Okuma on acquisition of long-standing...
Cologne – The European subsidiary of Japanese CNC machine tool maker Okuma has fully acquired Hommel CNC Technik GmbH (HCT) from the Hommel Group, together with its 100-plus employees. The parties agreed...
CMS advises chemical producer Ineos on cumene plant project
Cologne – Ineos Phenol GmbH will build a state-of-the-art cumene unit in Marl Chemical Park, to be completed in 2021. Cumol is an essential raw material for the production of phenol and acetone. The...
Consumer Products Newsletter
Below you will find the topics of the news­let­ter:EUROPEAN UNION ARTICLESEU 'New Deal for Consumers' is ComingEuropean Court of Justice – Consumers can Withdraw their Purchases of Online Mattresses even...
CMS advises US elec­tro­tech­no­logy company AMETEK on acquisition of camera...
Frankfurt/Main – the listed American AMETEK, Inc., a leading worldwide provider of electronic measuring instruments and elec­tromech­an­ic­al devices, has acquired all shares in Motec GmbH, a leading provider...