
On the Pulse webinar series 2024 - Autumn
Welcome to the Autumn part of the 2024 On the Pulse webinar series.  This webinar series brings you updates on the latest legal and commercial developments in the life sciences & healthcare sector from around the world. We will be hosting webinars on:EU Health Data Space - 24 OctoberCyber Breach Preparedness and Response for the Life Sciences & Healthcare Sector - 26 NovemberThe webinars will be one hour in length with a 15-minute Q&A session.
EU Competition Law Briefing
The EU Competition Law Briefings have been created to provide a platform for our clients and other competition law experts to stay up to date on the developments of EU Competition Law. 
Germany’s new secondary credit market act designed to increase acquisition...
The business landscape in Germany is facing a major challenge: insolvencies and defaults on loans are on the rise. But where there are risks, there are also opportunities. The increase in non-per­form­ing...
Rescue of Meyer Werft: CMS advises German government and Federal State...
Ham­burg/Stut­tgart, 18.09.2024 – The German federal government and the Federal State of Lower Saxony are injecting funds to stabilise Meyer Werft, an international shipbuilding group. Each is providing EUR 200 million in equity capital for this purpose, acquiring in return around 80% of the shares in Meyer Werft GmbH. In addition, the two governments are providing guarantees totalling EUR 2.6 billion.A CMS team headed by Dr Henrik Drinkuth and Dr Alexandra Schluck-Amend advised the German federal government and the Federal State of Lower Saxony on all aspects of acquiring an equity interest. Meyer Werft is an international group engaged in the design, building and sale of vessels such as cruise ships, river cruise ships and ferries, with facilities including three shipyards in Germany. CMS Germany Dr Henrik Drinkuth, Lead Partner, Corporate/M&A Dr Alexandra Schluck-Amend, Lead Partner, Restructuring and In­solv­ency Char­lotte von der Heydt (LL.M., King’s College, London), Counsel Dr Paul Kintrup, Senior Associate, both Corporate/M&A Dr Inga Hogrefe, Senior Associate Manuel Nann, Senior As­so­ci­ate Fran­ziska Fuchs, Senior Associate, all Restructuring and Insolvency Artur Baron, Counsel Dr Josephine Doll, Associate, both Corporate/M&A Dr Lars Howe, Senior Associate, TMC Christoph Zarth, Partner Dr Carina Lutter, Senior Associate, both Maritime Dr Ursula Steinkemper, Partner Dr Stefan Bauer, Counsel, both Real Estate & Public Dr Thomas de la Motte, Partner  Dr Sait Dogan, Associate  Kai Lüdiger, Associate, all Banking & Finance Dr Michael Bauer, Partner Dr Björn Herbers, Partner Moritz Pottek, Counsel Luisa Thomasberger, Associate David Rappenglück, As­so­ci­ate Be­ne­dikt Christian Voss, Associate, all Antitrust, Competition & TradePress Con­tact presse@cms-hs. com
CMS berät die Gesellschafter der AP&S beim Verkauf einer Mehrheits­beteili­gung...
Frankfurt am Main/Stuttgart, 18.09.2024 – Die Gesellschafter der AP&S, einem Spezialisten für die Entwicklung und den Bau von Nas­sprozess­an­la­gen, die bei der Fertigung mik­roelektron­is­cher Chips eingesetzt werden, haben eine Mehrheits­beteili­gung an die Meles GmbH veräußert. Im Zuge der Transaktion erwirbt die Meles GmbH eine strategische Beteiligung in Höhe von 60 Prozent an der AP&S Gruppe. Die bisherige Gesell­schafter­fam­ilie bleibt mit 40 Prozent substanziell beteiligt. Über die weiteren Details der Transaktion haben die Beteiligten Stillschweigen vereinbart. Ein CMS-Team unter der Leitung des Stuttgarter Partners Dr. Maximilian Grub hat die Gesellschafter der AP&S bei dieser Transaktion umfassend rechtlich und steuerrechtlich beraten. Das Mandat für die Transaktion wurde vom Frankfurter Partner Dr. Hendrik Hirsch akquiriert. Die AP&S International GmbH entwickelt mit mehr als 200 Mitarbeitenden als einer der weltweit führenden Anbieter Nas­sprozesslösun­gen für die Halbleiter-, MEMS- und Mik­rostruk­tur­i­er­ungsin­dus­trie. Neben dem Hauptsitz im baden-württem­ber­gis­chen Donaueschingen verfügt die AP&S Gruppe über Tochtergesell­schaften und Niederlassungen in Deutschland, Malaysia, Singapur, China und den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. CMS Deutschland Dr. Maximilian Grub, Lead Partner Dr. Maximilian Stark, Senior Associate Dr. Hendrik Hirsch, Partner Julia Fünfgeld, Senior Associate, alle Corporate/M&A Dr. Martin Friedberg, Partner, Tax Law Dr. Thomas Hirse, Partner Antonia Stoffers-Melzer, Senior Associate, beide IP Stefan Lehr, Partner, Antitrust, Competition & Trade­Pressekon­takt presse@cms-hs. com
Sexual harassment in the workplace in Germany
1. Please describe whether there is any legal regulation (laws or collective bargaining agreements) or other measures in this jurisdiction which prohibit sexual harassment in the workplace, and since...
15th AML-Ex­perts'-"Break­fast"
CMS‘ AML-Ex­perts’-„Break­fast“ is a longstanding and established event. To accommodate an audience interested in German and international AML-news residing in different time zones, we are hosting the online-event at a later time on this day. As always, we will present current developments in the field of money laundering prevention, with a focus on German perspectives, upcoming regulation and regulatory practice relevant for Germany. The virtual participation is possible from every compatible computer or mobile device. The event is free of charge and is designed for financial services and non-financial services companies subject to AML legislation. If you require a certificate of attendance that meets the requirements of the supervisory authorities, we are happy to accommodate this at a small contribution towards expenses. Please do not hesitate to contact us.
German implementation of NPL Directive creates secondary market for non-per­form­ing...
The German regulator has implemented the Directive (EU) 2021/2167 on Credit Servicers and Credit Purchasers (NPL Directive) via the Secondary Credit Market Act (Kred­itz­weit­mark­t­ge­setz – KrZwMG) for...
CMS advises zvoove on acquisition of Freematica
Frankfurt/Main, 16.09.2024 – zvoove, a leading provider of digitalisation solutions for the temporary staffing and cleaning sector in Europe, has acquired Freematica, a market leader in SaaS ERP software for labour-intensive industries in Spain and Latin America. By acquiring Freematica, zvoove is not only strengthening its market position in Europe, but also extending its reach into the American market through Freematica’s offices in Mexico and Colombia. Freematica also has a strong footprint in private security services, presenting opportunities for zvoove to further expand its global portfolio of solutions. An international CMS team headed by lead partner Markus Herz advised zvoove on all legal aspects of the transaction. zvoove is a global market leader in cloud solutions for labour-intensive industries such as temporary staffing, cleaning and security services. In the dynamic ecosystem of temporary staffing, cleaning and private security services, workers and companies, zvoove digitalises and optimises processes to enhance efficiency and deliver competitive advantages. Freematica specialises in innovative cloud solutions designed for industries with high mobility and staff turnover, such as private security services, temporary staffing, cleaning services and event agencies. CMS Germany Markus Herz, Lead Partner, Corporate/M&A CMS Columbia Felipe Molano, Associate Dir­ect­or Jer­ón­imo Abondano, Associate Juan Camilo Uribe, Associate, all Corporate/M&A Valentina Ojeda, Senior Associate Sara Figueroa, As­so­ci­ate Nat­alia Linares, Associate, all Employment & Pensions María Paula Sandoval, Senior Associate CMS Mexico Giancarlo Schievenini, Partner Ana Laura Mendirichaga Magaña, As­so­ci­ate Ben­jamin Sanchez, Associate, all Corporate/M&A Gabriel Salinas Ruiz, Senior As­so­ci­ate Fernando Andrés, Associate, both Infrastructure & Projects CMS Spain Luis Miguel de Dios, Partner Jorge Peris Hevia, Senior As­so­ci­ate Ale­jandra Martín Benítez, As­so­ci­ate Be­at­riz Miranda Revuelto Candela Villa Cigales, all Corporate/M&A Cristina Ridruejo Ruiz, Senior Associate, Employment & Pen­sions Ale­jandro García-Noblejas Valenti  Paula Espinosa Montalbán, both Public & Regulated Sectors Rodrigo García-Escorial de León, Real Estate Covadonga Maestro Rodríguez, Senior Associate Alba Blanco Martínez, both IP/ITPress Con­tact presse@cms-hs. com
Mega investment in the energy sector: CMS advises Vitol backed VPI on investment...
Hamburg, 13.09.2024 – The energy company VPI, which is backed by the largest independent energy trader in the world, Vitol, intends to invest up to 450 million euros in battery projects in Germany over the next three to five years. The company already owns energy plants in the UK and Ireland. The announced project, which is planned as a joint venture with the energy storage company Quantitas Energy, is VPI's first investment in Germany. VPI will hold a majority stake in the joint venture. The investment will be used to develop a battery storage capacity of 500 megawatts over the next three to five years, particularly in north-eastern Germany. Currently, ten projects are planned, most will have a capacity of ca. 60 megawatts.A CMS team headed by Dr Holger Kraft advised VPI on all legal aspects of this joint venture. Dr Kraft's team regularly advises on large transactions in the energy sector. CMS Germany Dr. Holger Kraft, Lead Partner Matthias Sethmann, Principal Counsel Dr. Christoph Löffler, Counsel Dr. Stefan Kühl, Senior Associate, all Corporate/M&A Dr. Christian Scherer, Part­ner Gwen­dolyn Heinzke, Senior Associate, both Public Dr. Hans Fabian Kiderlen, Principal Coun­sel Stephanie Schulz, Legal Coordinator, both Real Estate Dr. Philipp Nonnenmühlen, Counsel, Labor, Employment & Pensions Joel Coché, Associate, Com­mer­cial Shaghayegh Smousavi, Partner, Energy Law CMS Norway Dag Thomas Hansson, Partner Ida Johanne Bohmann, Senior LawyerPress Con­tact presse@cms-hs. com
International arbitration law and rules in Germany
German State Courts are arbitration friendly. The jurisdiction for almost all arbitration related issues is concentrated at the Higher Regional Courts. Their attitude is to support arbitration proceedings...
Back in Gear: CMS European M&A Outlook 2025
European M&A activity shows signs of recovery Nearly two-thirds of survey respondents expect European M&A to increase over the next 12 months, either somewhat (45%) or significantly (20%), a major reversal from last year’s study when only 3% forecast a significant increase. Deal value in H1 2024 was €439 billion compared to €334 billion in H1 2023, representing a 31% year-on-year increase. Deal volume in H1 2024 was 7,868 compared to 8,579 deals in H1 2023, representing an 8% drop. Valuation gaps between buyers and sellers (24%) were identified as the single biggest obstacle to European dealmaking in the next 12 months, followed by inflation and interest rates (18%). Respondents are split about the UK & Ireland’s M&A prospects for the year ahead, with 32%, the largest share, placing it in the top spot for anticipated M&A growth, but 31% saying it will see lowest growth.55% expect to see increased appetite among Middle Eastern buyers for European assets. Nearly all respondents (90%) describe a target company’s diversity factor as an important consideration, including 29% who say it is crucial.