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Prof. Dr. Marion Bernhardt

Rechtsanwältin | Fachanwältin für Arbeitsrecht (Certified lawyer for labor and employment law)

CMS Hasche Sigle
Lennéstraße 7
10785 Berlin
CMS Hasche Sigle
Lennéstraße 7
10785 Berlin
Languages German, English

Marion Bernhardt’s practice covers employment law and compliance. She is widely experienced in advising and representing large and medium-sized companies and groups as well as public enterprises on collective employment law matters, including restructurings and transactions of all types and representing her clients in negotiations with trade unions and works councils. She also advises on the introduction of new ways of working such as agile working, desk sharing and the use of digital tools as well as on the implementation of new software.

Marion furthermore advises on compliance matters, including on the set-up of customised compliance structures, risk analyses and business partner screenings as well as on installing and updating compliance management systems, including electronic reporting channels and digital training tools. She is very experienced in effectively executing investigations, also involving the CMS SmartOperations team, and the strategic handling of compliance cases.

Marion joined CMS in 1995 and became a partner in 1999. Alongside her legal practice and since 2015, she has been an honorary professor at BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg (university of technology in the federal state of Brandenburg) and is a long-standing examiner with the Berlin/Brandenburg examination board for the German state examinations in law. Marion is also active on an international level, for example as a speaker at the Chamber of Commerce in Zurich and the Lebanese Holy Spirit University of Kaslik in 2015. In 2016, she participated in the German-Sudanese Higher Education and Science Forum in Khartoum. She delivered workshops at the University of Kurdistan Hewlêr in Erbil (2018 and 2021) and at the German University of Technology in Oman (2019 and 2022). Marion has been a member of the Ethics Committee of BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg since 2016 and Deputy Chair since 2021.

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Listed for Employment

Deutschlands beste Anwälte 2023 – Handelsblatt in Kooperation mit Best Lawyers

Listed for employment law

Deutschlands beste Anwälte 2020 – Handelsblatt in Kooperation mit Best Lawyers

Relevant experience

  • Internationally operating transport and logistics company | On restructuring their executive management set-up at the company’s headquarters, on the collective adjustment of working hours without wage compensation for employees at one production site and on a company collective agreement
  • German publishing house | On comprehensive restructuring measures
  • Call centre operator in insurance sector | On introducing a company remuneration system (remuneration/bonus systems according to works agreement)
  • Spanish telephone provider | On relocating sites within Germany, on reconciliation of interests and additional social plan provisions
  • Chemical company | On negotiating a company collective agreement, partial closure, reconciliation of interests and social plan (including a transitional company)
  • US pharmaceutical company | Advice and representation in the context of a sensitive internal investigation into suspected fraud with external parties (investigation, employment, civil and criminal law implementation)
  • German stock corporation | Advice and representation in the context of a sensitive internal investigation into irregularities in real estate sales processes, investigation with e-scans and employee interviews, employment law measures including litigation
  • German bank | On complex and sensitive internal investigation into corruption
  • German health insurer | On the realignment and modernisation of the company’s operational compliance management system, liability issues and operational implementation
  • Municipal real estate company | On a complex and sensitive internal investigation into data leakage, which generated media attention
  • Public organisation | Advice, representation and support in dealing with compliance incidents as well as advice on consistent reorganisation, employment and liability law as well as enforcement of damages, updating the company's compliance management system
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Memberships & Roles

  • German Bar Association and labour law working group of the German Bar Association
  • Berliner Anwaltsverein e.V.
  • Verband deutscher Unternehmerinnen e. V. (VdU)
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  • Beendigung der Tarifbindung – Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten für Unternehmen, SPA – Schnellinformation für Personalmanagement und Arbeitsrecht, Heft 13/2022, co author: Dr. Martina Jentsch
  • Kein Paukenschlag: Beweislast für Überstundenvergütung bleibt beim Arbeitnehmer, LRZ 2022, Rn. 1061, 061, co author: Dr. Niclas Minderjahn
  • Vermögensschädigung des Unternehmens durch gravierende Mitarbeiter-Pflichtverletzungen - ein Wechselspiel zwischen Arbeits-, Zivil- und Strafrecht, Schnellinformation für Personalmanagement und Arbeitsrecht (SPA) Heft Nr. 12 / 2021 S. 89 ff., Mitautor: Dr. Martina Jentsch
  • Unzulässige Begünstigung eines Betriebsratsmitglieds durch Dienstwagenüberlassung mit Recht zur Privatnutzung aufgrund mit Betriebsratstätigkeit verbundener Reisetätigkeit, DB Kompakt, DER BETRIEB, 36/2020, co author: Dr. Henrike Seifert
  • Die Operation am lebenden Unternehmenskörper, Die Welt "SMART Rechtsguide 2021", co-authors Prof Dr Winfried Bullinger, Dr Gerd Leutner
  • Ethik: "Regelgeber ist stets das Unternehmen - War der BMW-Pitch Compliance-konform? Schließlich wird Berater Thomas Strerath nun Chef einer der Gewinner-Agenturen." Fragen an Marion Bernhardt und Winfried Bullinger von der Kanzlei CMS, wuv.de, 16. Oktober 2020
  • Veränderte Arbeitsbedingungen in der Pandemie, WPK-Magazin - Mitteilungen der Wirtschaftsprüferkammer 3/2020, S. 54-55; co-author Dr Tanja Graue
  • Arbeiten in der Kanzlei unter Corona-Bedingungen, Berliner Anwaltsblatt (AnwBl) BE 2020, S. 350-352; co-author Dr Tanja Graue
  • Mobbing am Arbeitsplatz – wie reagieren Arbeitgeber richtig?, Human Resources Manager, 13.01.2020; co-author: Dr Tanja Graue
  • Flexibilisierung von Arbeitszeit in der Praxis, Schnellinformation für Personalmanagement und Arbeitsrecht (SPA) 1/2020, S. 1 ff.; co-author: Dr Martina Jentsch
  • Arbeitgeber zur Aufzeichnung der Arbeitszeit verpflichtet, WPK Magazin Mitteilungen der Wirtschaftsprüferkammer 3/2019, S. 56 f.; co-author: Dr Elin Reiter
  • Legal Tech im Arbeitsrecht: Scheinselbstständigkeit; DER BETRIEB 2019, 400 f.; co-author: Verena Oechslen
  • Datenmissbrauch durch den Mitarbeiter: Wann ist der Arbeitgeber zur fristlosen Kündigung berechtigt? Eine Auswahl praxisrelevanter Fälle; Schnellinformation für Personalmanagement und Arbeitsrecht Nr. 23/2018, p 182; co-author: Dr Martina Jentsch
  • Co-Autorin Arbeit und Arbeitsrecht "Voraussetzungen und gesetzliche Änderungen – Konzernprivileg bei Zeitarbeit"; 1/2015, p. 28 ff.
  • "Nach dem Urlaub ist vor dem Urlaub? – Die Unabdingbarkeit des gesetzlichen Urlaubsanspruchs auch für Zeiten des Sonderurlaubs", DER BETRIEB Nr. 29/2014; co-author: Friederike Kilian
  • Co-Autorin Buch Arbeitswelt 3.0, HUSS-MEDIEN GmbH, 1. Auflage 3/2014
  • Vereinbarungen mit dem Betriebsrat - Übertarifliche Vergünstigungen, Arbeit und Arbeitsrecht - Personal-Profi, Heft 3 2012, p. 148 ff, co-author: Dr Martina Jentsch
  • Co-Autorin Buch AnwaltFormulare Arbeitsrecht (Teil E: Beendigung von Arbeitsverhältnissen), Deutscher Anwaltsverlag & Institut der Anwaltschaft GmbH 2010
  • Closing down of company pension scheme systems, ILO-Newsletter 10/2010
  • Termination for breach of duty and poor performance, ILO-Newsletter 9/2010, p. 320
  • Escaping from collective bargaining agreements, ILO-Newsletter 9/2010
  • Anti-Discrimination-Law and Protection against Dismissal, ILO-Newsletter 11/2009
  • Ausgliederung und Abspaltung von Pensionsverbindlichkeiten - Treuhand durch Contractual Trust Arrangements, Arbeit und Arbeitsrecht - Personal-Profi, Heft 7 2009, p. 398 ff
  • Zeit zum Umdenken - Flexible Arbeitsbedingungen für Ältere, Arbeit und Arbeitsrecht - Personal-Profi, Heft 1 2009, p. 28 ff
  • Neue Entwicklungen in Rechtsprechung und Gesetzgebung - Zwei Jahre AGG, Arbeit- und Arbeitsrecht - Personal-Profi, Heft 9 2008, p. 527 ff
  • Neuere Rechtsprechung im Bereich der außerordentlichen Kündigung von Arbeitsverhältnissen einschließlich Verdachtskündigung, www.humboldt-forum-recht.de, 2008
  • Beispiel unerlaubte Internetnutzung, Außerordentliche Tat- und Verdachtskündigung, Arbeit und Arbeitsrecht - Personal-Profi, Heft 3 2008, p. 152 ff
  • Buch Alternativen zur Kündigung - Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten für die Aufhebung von Arbeitsverhältnissen, Erich-Schmidt-Verlag, (205 Seiten)2/2008 Erstauflage 2012 2. Auflage
  • Veränderungen am Arbeitsplatz - Versetzung möglich oder Änderungskündigung nötig?, Arbeit und Arbeitsrecht - Personal-Profi, Heft 7 2007, p. 410 ff
  • Co-Autorin Buch Neuauflage Arbeitshandbuch Personal, Aufhebungsvertrag, Straub; HUSS-MEDIEN GmbH, 2007, 6. Auflage 2010, 7. Auflage 2012, 8. Auflage
  • Personalkosten senken ohne Personalabbau - Arbeitsbedingungen einseitig ändern, Arbeit und Arbeitsrecht - Personal-Profi, Heft 6 2006, p. 328 ff
  • Personalkosten senken ohne Personalabbau - Betriebsbedingte Änderungskündigungen, Arbeit und Arbeitsrecht - Personal-Profi, Heft 5 2006, p. 269 ff
  • Ehrlich währt am längsten - Verwirkter Sonderkündigungsschutz bei Schwerbehinderung, Arbeit und Arbeitsrecht - Personal-Profi, Heft 8 2004, p. 20 ff
  • Umstrukturierungen von Unternehmen aus arbeitsrechtlicher Sicht, Arbeit und Arbeitsrecht - Personal-Profi, Heft 1 2000, p. 14 ff
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Lectures list

  • „Performance Dropping bei Mitarbeitern – Ursachen statt Symptome bekämpfen“ , BVAU: Austauschcall RG OST , Online, 26.01.2022
  • BVAU - 17. Treffen der Regionalgruppe Ost, Bundesverband der Arbeitsrechtler in Unternehmen e.V. (BVAU): "Arbeitszeit - was zählt, was wird bezahlt?", Berlin, 29.01.2019
  • BAN-Wintermeeting 2019, BAN e.V. Eine Kooperation unabhängiger Wirtschaftsprüfer: "Personal gewinnen und behalten - welche Instrumente bietet das Arbeitsrecht?", Aachen, 18.01.2019
  • HR CONTRAST GmbH, HRFC 3/2018 - Digital Overload Management: "Social Media und Arbeitsrecht - Grenzen und Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten", 09.10.2018
  • DAAD Programm on Transformation at University of Kurdistan, Erbil: "Protection of environmental information and Know-how in a digital context", 02.10.2018
  • Beteiligung des Betriebsrats - Zuständigkeitensfragen und Abgrenzungsprobleme; BVAU-Treffen RG Ost, Berlin, 15.02.2018
  • DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V.: Workshop "Führungskräfte Forum des DIN e.V."
  • Regionale Mitgliederversammlung des Europe Finance Forum: Impulsreferat "Fremdes Personal - Neues aus Berlin, Brüssel und Erfurt"
  • BVAU (Bundesverband der Arbeitsrechtler in Unternehmen): "Leistungsabhängige Mitarbeitervergütung: Aktuelle Brennpunkte"
  • BTU Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus – Senftenberg, 7. Cottbuser Medienrechtstage "Compliance und Medien": "Facebook, Twitter und Compliance?"
  • VKD Verband der Krankenhausdirektoren Deutschlands e.V.: "Erfolgreicher Webauftritt – Getuschel im Netz und rote Linien"
  • Workshop at Kienbaum Berlin GmbH: "Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten bei der Sozialauswahl" (Social selection-related options)
  • DEKRA Commercial Services & Engineering GmbH: "Leistungsorientierte Vergütungssysteme" (Performance-oriented remuneration schemes)
  • Berlin Humboldt University (jährliches Blockseminar): "Betriebsbedingte Kündigungsgründe", "Betriebsstilllegung/Betriebs(teil)verlagerung/Fremdvergabe von Aufgaben", "Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten bei Sozialauswahl"
  • BTU Brandenburg Technical University in Cottbus, Zentrum für Rechts- und Verwaltungswissenschaften (Centre for Law and Business Administration): Lectures on "Einführung in das Arbeitsrecht" (Introduction into Labour Law), "Überblick über rechtliche Fragen der Betriebsstilllegung. Die betriebsbedingte Kündigung. Umstrukturierung, Schließung, Interessenausgleich und Sozialplan" (Overview of legal aspects of closure of company. Company-related cancellation, restructuring, closure, reconciliation of interests and social compensation plan.)
  • Numerous events of CMS Berlin, e.g. Neues Beschäftigtendatenschutzgesetz, Praktische Auswirkungen / Betriebs- und Unternehmensgeheimnisse / Beschäftigtendatenschutz and Social Media (New Employee Data Protection Act, Effects in practice / Company and Business Confidentiality / Employee Data Protection and Social Media)
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  • since 1999: Certified lawyer for labor and employment law
  • 1999: Secondment with Cameron McKenna, London
  • 1993 - 1995: Trainee lawyer at Berlin Higher Regional Court
  • 1991 - 1995: Research Assistant at the Universities of Bonn and Potsdam
  • 1984 - 1991: Law studies in Saarbrücken and Bonn
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CMS advises founders of Thinkport on investment by Venitus Group
Leipzig – The Munich-based Venitus Group has acquired a stake in Thinkport, a pioneer in the development of innovative cloud technologies. The founders Dominik Fries and Tobias Drechsel will retain a significant stake in the company and keep their positions unchanged. The partnership with Venitus marks a significant milestone in the development of the cloud consulting company. It will help to further consolidate Thinkport's position as an innovation leader, accelerate growth and lay the foundations for the next phase of development. The parties involved have agreed not to disclose further details of the transaction.A CMS team led by Dr. Kevin Schmidt provided comprehensive legal advice to the Thinkport founders on the transaction. Thinkport, headquartered in Frankfurt/Main with offices in Leipzig, Hamburg and Berlin, has made an impressive journey from a start-up to an established and award-winning player in the cloud technology industry over the past five years. Founded in 2018 and employing around 80 people, the company supports large German-speaking companies and DAX-listed corporations with projects in the areas of cloud migration, development and training. Its customer portfolio includes renowned names such as Edeka, Bayer and Deutsche Bahn. The Venitus Group is a leading digitalization partner for medium-sized and enterprise customers in the DACH region with a focus on the areas of public cloud, data engineering and AI. Venitus complements its organic growth with an acquisition strategy and currently consists of four innovative and fast-growing companies in these areas. Press Con­tact presse@cms-hs. com
E-Learning | Preventing corruption – basics and practical tips
In a business context, benefits such as gifts and invitations are mainly intended to promote and maintain business relationships. However, using excessive benefits to influence business decisions is not allowed. There is often uncertainty about what is "allowed" and what is "banned" in the business world. Our basic training on corruption prevention educates your employees and provides practical guidance for everyday business that complies with legal requirements.
CMS advises VR Equitypartner and other shareholders on investment by Wach­stums­fonds...
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Fach­kräfte­m­an­gel: Ursachen, Folgen und Lösungsansätze
Many companies continue to face major challenges due to the shortage of skilled workers. Employers have to create incentives if they want to recruit new employees and retain their existing staff. These range from re-defined corporate values and mar­ket-ap­pro­pri­ate remuneration to attractive employee benefits. In our new “Einfach Arbeitsrecht” podcast, Prof. Marion Bernhardt and Pa­tri­cia Jares, both labor and em­ploy­ment law­yers at CMS, discuss what companies also need to be aware of, and what other factors are key to positioning themselves as an attractive employer. 
Five myths about anti-dis­crim­in­a­tion law in Germany
The end of discrimination in everyday life seems a long way off. Discrimination is often the result of ignorance. A good reason to learn more about anti-dis­crim­in­a­tion law. Not only in the United States...
Five myths about the German Supply Chain Act
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Objection! - Five myths about the Works Council Modernisation Act
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Five myths about the quota for women on German management boards
Zweites Führung­s­posi­tion­en-Ge­setz (FüpoG II), the German law passed early in 2021 requiring large 'listed' companies to ensure that their management boards include at least one woman, has furthered...
CMS advises VR meine Raiffeisenbank eG on acquisition of Malerwinkel hotel...
Berlin – VR meine Raiffeisenbank eG has acquired the long-established Malerwinkel hotel and restaurant on Lake Chiemsee. The buyer is based in the Bavarian town of Altötting and will continue the business...
CMS advises CMP German Opportunity Fund III on acquisition of meat and...
Berlin – CMP German Opportunity Fund III, a private equity fund advised by Berlin-based private equity firm CMP Capital Man­age­ment-Part­ners, has acquired the business operations of GETI WILBA GmbH &...
CMS advises investment manager Baillie Gifford on investment in FlixMobility
Berlin – Scottish investment manager Baillie Gifford has joined the latest financing round of Munich-based mobility platform FlixMobility.A CMS Berlin team led by Ralf Kurney and Steffen König advised...
CMS advises on the sale of the geodata service companies imp and JIE to...
Berlin – Sweco GmbH has acquired all shares in imp GmbH and its Serbian subsidiary JIE d.o.o.. Two of the previous shareholders of imp will remain working as directors for the company in future. The...