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Taxation of the insurance and finance sector

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Called upon to play a key role in financing the economy and promoting growth, the financial sector faces major challenges in a highly competitive climate. The seismic shift currently taking place within its business model does so against a changing regulatory backdrop, which is characterised by ever more robust and complex regulations specific to this sector (Basel III, Solvency II, BEPS measures, new transparency rules, etc.). Whether you are a key player in banking, insurance or asset management, whether you operate in France or abroad, it is crucial that you can anticipate and avoid fiscal risk, safeguard your business and put in place the most appropriate solutions to enhance your performance. As experts in the tax issues specific to your sector (determination of taxable profit/loss, VAT, reporting requirements), we will help you to define and implement your tax policy and monitor your transactions.

We have lawyers who specialise in the taxation of the financial and insurance sector, working in close collaboration with our banking law experts and drawing upon our international network to offer you the benefit of specialist expertise on a global scale. Our know-how, nurtured by more than 90 years’ practice and widely recognised by the tax authorities, means that we can provide you with the guidance you need to make your strategic and tactical decisions with the utmost legal certainty.

Conscious of the implications of their advice and keenly aware of the challenges you face, our lawyers are committed to offering you practical and perennial solutions that are perfectly suited to your particular issues. For each project, we will assemble the perfect team to meet your specific needs, led by one of our partners, who will be both your go-to contact and your guarantee of the quality of our services.