5G regulation and law in Albania

1. What is the state of 5G deployment in your country?

5G is not deployed yet. 

In June 2020, the Council of Ministers launched the National Plan for 5G technology adoption (National Plan), which identifies regulatory barriers and the key actions for deploying 5G within five years. It aimed to release the 700 MHz frequency band for broadcasting services by 30 June 2022. 
5G deployment is expected to begin by 2025. 

2. Are telecoms companies monetising 5G investments - or are the services provided to consumers at similar prices to 4G? 

Possible incentives to telecom operators include: 

  • reserve prices that reflect the minimum levels of fees for radio spectrum rights to the potential to pay in instalments linking financial incentives with coverage, timing and/or quality obligations 

3. Has 5G been launched for industrial purposes? For which sectors?

5G has not been launched yet, for industrial purposes or otherwise. 

5G technology is expected to be used in sectors such as:

  • automotive, 
  • public safety, 
  • healthcare, 
  • financial services, 
  • utilities, 
  • high-tech manufacturing, 
  • internet/digital homes, 
  • media/games.

4. What is being done to ensure that a wide range of operators and industrial companies, from small to large, have access to frequencies?

Priorities will include: 

  • assigning frequencies  through the auction mechanism 
  • clear and accelerated procedures to authorise infrastructure deployment, particularly in rural areas 
  • regulatory measures to enable the participation of operators in the state aid scheme 
  • potential public-private partnerships, mostly in areas requiring signficant investmentthe availability of frequencies in both urban and rural areas, and 
  • guaranteed free access in public areas, educational institutions, healthcare institutions, and large transport corridors by the end of  2025.

5. What public tenders have awarded spectrum licences? 

5G technology is still being tested, and there is no auction date.

The Strategy Plan  recommends holding online auctions for commercial spectrum licences. The typical structure allows all available licenses to be auctioned simultaneously. There is no set limit of rounds, so the auction ends when there are no new bids.  

5.1 What were the criteria for awarding each of the tenders?

There are no criteria yet for awarding licences.

5.2 What are the conditions of the spectrum licence? 

No spectrum licence conditions have been approved or defined.

5.3 What is the price and how is it calculated?

There is no information on prices or how they will be calculated.

6. Is there a long-term spectrum plan or announcements for future tenders? 

There has been no announcement or statement on 5G auctions.

The National Plan aims to reach the following milestones by the end of 2025:

  • 5G networks should be available in at least one big city, the main transport corridors, strategic economic areas, health and educational institutions, and public open areas;
  • 5G networks should be available to residents in urban and rural areas, at speeds of at least 100 Mbps;
  • Tirana’s 5G network should provide 50% of the houses, businesses and public institutions with a mobile broadband service with speeds of at least 1 Gbps.  

7. If 5G specific rules are drafted, what do they say?

The regulator aims to include 5G rules in its primary electronic communication law. Amendments are currently being drafted, and expected to go to  public consultation by March 2023.

8. What focused 5G network or spectrum sharing regulation exists?

The main delay to 5G is how best to deploy networks in rural areas.

There have been no decisions on non-compliance with 5G concessions’ obligations. 

9. Are 5G network sharing or spectrum sharing agreements in place? 

There are no spectrum sharing regulations in place. 

The regulator is planning to allow operators to share  existing infrastructure for eventual 5G.  

10. What are or will be the rules for granting competitors access to new 5G networks once they are deployed?

There are no network sharing or spectrum sharing agreements in place.

11. What comments have been made regarding 5G cyber-security and possible use of Chinese technology, including regulation?

There are no rules for granting competitors access to new 5G networks yet, but general competition rules may apply. 

12. What comments have been made regarding 5G cyber-security and possible use of Chinese technology, including regulation?

Albania joined “The Clean Network” initiative in 2020.

A cyber-security action plan and strategy is being drafted, and is yet to be published. 

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Evis Zaja
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