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Dr. Boris Alles

Rechtsanwalt | Fachanwalt für Arbeitsrecht (Certified lawyer for labor and employment law)

CMS Hasche Sigle
Neue Mainzer Straße 2–4
60311 Frankfurt
Languages German, English

Boris Alles advises international corporations and corporate groups on all individual and collective employment law issues. His key areas of expertise include the planning and implementation of restructuring and insolvency projects as well as the advice on compliance matters and governance structures. He is also focused on aspects of the modern working world, in particular on the employment and labor law aspects and framework conditions of innovative forms of working structures and project management, such as the use of Scrum teams and the deployment of external personnel.

Boris Alles is a member of the clusters of excellence "Restructuring and Insolvency" and "Pensions". He is also responsible at the Frankfurt office for the CMS product FPE (foreign personnel deployment), an IT-based product that allows clients a quick and reliable initial check for the deployment of external personnel in their companies. He joined CMS in 2014 and has been a partner since 2022.

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  • "Employer of Record" als alternative Gestaltungsmöglichkeit zur Beschäftigung von Arbeitnehmern im Ausland, DB 2022, 1513, together with Julia Prokop und Dr. Alexander Bissels
  • (Auch) Kein Urlaubsanspruch bei Transferkurzarbeit "Null", Neue Zeitschrift für Arbeitsrecht (NZA) 2022, 1655, together with Theresa Kipp and Hagen Trübenbach
  • "Employer of Record" as an alternative way of structuring the employment of workers abroad, ZAU 2022, 348-351, together with Dr Alexander Bissels and Julia Prokop
  • The employer does not act as legislator - not even in times of pandemic, Frankfurter Allgemeine Objection, 12.08.2022, together with Maren Hoffmann
  • "Komplexe Restrukturierungen und ihre praktischen Herausforderungen", Der Betrieb (DB) 2019, 1027
  • Zusammenspiel zwischen §§ 174, 180 BGB und § 15 HGB – Stellvertretung bei Kündigungen, AuA 2015, 223-225, zusammen mit Christian Zwarg.
  • Zurückweisung einer ordentlichen Kündigung mangels Vollmachtsvorlage, Anmerkung zu BAG, Urteil vom 25.09.2014 – 2 AZR 567/13, jurisPR-ArbR 49/2014, Anm. 3, co-author Christian Zwarg.
  • Unternehmensschädigende Äußerungen in sozialen Netzwerken – Kündigung wegen Facebook-Post?, W&B 2014, 202-203, co-author Tobias Polloczek.
  • Fallstricke bei der Massenentlassungsanzeige – ausgewählte aktuelle Probleme, DB 2014, 2287-2290, co-author Christian Zwarg.
  • Der "unternehmensübergreifende" Gesamtbetriebsrat, NZA 2014, 756-760, co-author Yvonne Hoffmann.
  • Mitbestimmung des (Gesamt-)Betriebsrats bei der generellen Anordnung der Vorlage einer AU-Bescheinigung bereits ab dem ersten Tag, Anmerkung zu LArbG Köln, Beschluss vom 21.08.2013 – 11 Ta 87/13, jurisPR-ArbR 3/2014, Anm. 4, zusammen mit Maike Loskill.
  • Das Arbeitsrecht der Auslandsdienstreise, Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen, 2013.
  • Fälligkeit des „equal-pay“-Anspruchs nach § 14 Abs. 4 AÜG und Wirksamkeit der arbeitsvertraglichen Inbezugnahme von CGZP-Tarifverträgen, Anmerkung zu BAG, Urteil vom 13.03.2013 – 5 AZR 954/11, jurisPRArbR 30/2013, Anm. 5, zusammen mit Thomas Klein.
  • Mitbestimmung des Personalrats bei Neuerrichtung des Schulgebäudes, Anmerkung zu BVerwG, Beschluss vom 27.11.2012 – 6 PB 12/12, jurisPR-ArbR 11/2013 Anm. 6.
  • Altersdiskriminierung durch die Lebensaltersstufen in der Besoldung für die Richterämter R1 und R2, Anmerkung zu VG Frankfurt am Main, Urteil vom 20.08.2012 – 9 K 5034/11.F, jurisPR-ArbR 03/2013, Anm. 2, zusammen mit Michael Hoffmann.
  • Die Altersdiskriminierung bei der Besoldung von Richtern und Staatsanwälten im Landesdienst, DRiZ 2012, 371-374, zusammen mit Michael Hoffmann.
  • Die Höhe der zurückzuzahlenden Fortbildungskosten und die Anforderungen an das Transparenzgebot bei Rückzahlungsklauseln, Anmerkung zu BAG, Urteil vom 21.08.2012 – 3 AZR 698/10, jurisPR-ArbR 48/2012, Anm. 4, zusammen mit Thomas Klein.
  • Vereinbarkeit des Zwölftelungsgrundsatzes mit der Arbeitszeitrichtlinie, Anmerkung zu ArbG Wesel, Urteil vom 29.08.2012 – 4 Ca 1267/12, jurisPR-ArbR 43/2012, Anm. 4.
  • Vereinbarkeit der Ausschlussfrist für Entschädigungen bei Diskriminierung im Bewerbungsverfahren mit Unionsrecht, Anmerkung zu BAG, Urteil vom 15.03.2012 – 8 AZR 37/11, jurisPR-ArbR 34/2012, Anm. 3, zusammen mit Michael Hoffmann.
  • Auswirkungen von Änderungen des Bezugstarifvertrages auf Verweisungstarifvertrag im Nachwirkungsstadium bei dynamischen Blankettverweisungen, Anmerkung zu BAG, Urteil vom 22.02.2012 – 4 AZR 8/10, jurisPR-ArbR 32/2012, Anm. 1, zusammen mit Michael Hoffmann.
  • Außerordentliche krankheitsbedingte Kündigung mit sozialer Auslauffrist, Anmerkung zu LArbG Düsseldorf, Urteil vom 05.03.2012 – 14 Sa 1377/11, jurisPR-ArbR 26/2012, Anm. 4.
  • Tarifvertragliche Altersgrenze von 60 Jahren für Piloten („Prigge“), Anmerkung zu BAG, Urteil vom 18.01.2012 – 7 AZR 112/08, jurisPR-ArbR 19/2012, Anm. 1.
  • Tagungsbericht der 33. Tagung der Gesellschaft für Rechtsvergleichung – Fachgruppe für vergleichendes Arbeits- und Sozialrecht, EuZA 2012, 121-125, zusammen mit Maike Lütgert.
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Lectures list

  • Arbeitsrecht in der Insolvenz, Master-Studiengang Mittelstandsmanagement, Hochschule Kaiserslautern, University of Applied Sciences, 25.11.2021
  • Arbeitsrecht in der Krise – Personalmaßnahmen innerhalb und außerhalb der Insolvenz, Webinar-Reihe: Resilienz schaffen – Restrukturierung als Erfolgsfaktor, 05.10.2021, zusammen mit Dr. Barbara Bittmann und Dr. Maximilian Hacker
  • Aktuelle Themen aus dem deutschen Arbeitsrecht: Entsendung und mobiles Arbeiten in Deutschland, Webinar von der Handelskammer Deutschland-Schweiz, 15.06.2021
  • "Deep dive" arbeitsrechtliche Restrukturierung: Die Massenentlassung - Anforderungen an das Konsultations- und Anzeigeverfahren, Webinar-Reihe, Frankfurt, 14.04.2021, zuammen mit Dr. Tobias Polloczek
  • Entsendungen nach Deutschland - Welche Besonderheiten müssen Schweizer Arbeitgeber beachten?, Webinar Mitarbeiterentsendung - Rechtliche Stolpersteine bei Arbeitseinsätzen in Deutschland und Österreich, Webinar von der IHK Thurgau und St. Gallen-Appenzell, 09.03.2021, with Julia Tänzler-Motzek
  • Personalmaßnahmen in der Insolvenz – Vorteile gegenüber der Restrukturierung außerhalb des Insolvenzverfahrens, Restrukturierung & Insolvenz Webinar Reihe, 15.12.2020, with Björn Frische und Christian Holzmann
  • Correct use of external staff. Staff Partnerships., HR Fitness Club, Webinar, Frankfurt am Main, 17.06.2020
  • Aktuelles aus der Praxis des Betriebsverfassungsrechts, Arbeitsrechtliches Praktikerseminar, Kassel, 10.05.2019
  • Beendigung von Arbeitsverhältnissen – Fallstricke aus der Praxis, CMS Junior Labor & Employment Academy, Frankfurt am Main, 07.03.2019
  • Recruiting 4.0 – zwischen Big Data und Datenschutz, HR Fitness Club, 14.11.2017
  • Fremdpersonal richtig einsetzen: Compliance-Risiken bei der Beschäftigung von Externen, CMS Compliance Roadshow, 09.11.2017
  • Insolvenzarbeitsrecht in der gerichtlichen Praxis – Arbeits- und Sozialrecht, Deutsche Richterakademie, Trier, 23.09.2016
  • Fremdpersonaleinsatz – Handling und Organisation, Mandanten Inhouse Seminar, Frankfurt am Main, 07.10.2015
  • Legal Framework and Fields of Activity for Executives (LFFA), WO 71, Steinbeis University, Stuttgart, 10./11.07.2015
  • Social Media und Arbeitsrecht, Institut für Arbeitsrecht und Arbeitsbeziehungen in der Europäischen Union (IAAEU), Trier, 12.05.2014
  • Social Media und Arbeitsrecht, Mandanten Inhouse Seminar, Frankfurt am Main, 06.05.2014
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  • 2011 - 2013: Research assistant at Institute for Labour Law and Industrial Relations in the European Union (IAAEU) in Trier and PhD under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Monika Schlachter
  • 2009 - 2011: Trainee lawyer in Zweibrücken, during this traineeship working for Daimler AG and CMS Germany
  • 2009: First state examination in law
  • 2006: Completion of special French-language training for lawyers
  • Internship with the German Embassy in the Philippines
  • 2004 - 2009: Law studies at the University of Trier
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CMS advises Bruker on the multi-jur­is­dic­tion­al acquisition of ELITech,...
Frankfurt/Main – Bruker has agreed to acquire ELITechGroup, a provider of specialty in vitro diagnostic (IVD) systems, from TecFin S.à r.l., a controlled affiliate of PAI Partners, a pre-eminent private equity firm, for EUR 870 million in cash, excluding the carved out ELITech clinical chemistry business. The transaction is expected to close in the second quarter of 2024, subject to regulatory approvals and other customary closing conditions.A team of CMS Germany headed by lead partner Dr Hendrik Hirsch acted as lead transaction counsel on this landmark transaction for Bruker's MDx business covering all M&A aspects of the transaction, IVDR and other regulatory aspects, antitrust and FDI filings, the carve out of the clinical chemistry business and support on the employee consultation processes in France and the Netherlands. ELITechGroup, with over 500 employees and over 40 active patents, develops and commercializes innovative, proprietary molecular diagnostic (MDx) systems and assays, as well as niche biomedical systems and microbiology products. Its molecular diagnostic business accounts for the majority of the to-be-acquired revenues and provides the unique sample-to-answer (S2A) instruments InGenius® and Be-Genius® in the mid-to-high throughput MDx category with PCR diagnostic assays for infections and diseases. ELITechGroup, excluding the clinical chemistry business, achieved approximately EUR 150 million in revenues in 2023. ELITechGroup generates the majority of its revenues from Europe, with significant business also in North and Latin America. Its major R&D and production sites are in Italy, the United States, France and Germany. CMS Germany Dr Hendrik Hirsch, Partner, Co-Lead Dr Jacob Siebert, Partner, Co-Lead Dr Dirk Baukholt, Principal Counsel Dr Berrit Roth-Mingram, Counsel Dr Maximilian Stark, Senior Associate, all Corporate/M&A Dr Roland Wiring, Partner Lukas Burgdorff, Associate Noah Rodenkirchen, Associate, all Regulatory & Lifesciences Dr Thomas Hirse, Part­ner Se­basti­an Vautz, Senior Associate Lisa Dietrich, Associate, all IP Dr Michael Bauer, Partner Stefan Lehr, Partner Kai Neuhaus, Partner Moritz Pottek, Counsel Dr. Denis Schlimpert, Counsel Kirsten Baubkus-Gerard, Senior Associate David Rappenglück, As­so­ci­ate Be­ne­dikt Christian Voss, Associate, all Antitrust, Competition & Trade Dr Thomas de la Motte, Partner Dr Markus Pfaff, Partner Dr André Frischemeier, Partner Hatice Aykel, Counsel Alisa Brehm, Senior Associate Thomas Schaak, Senior Associate Dr Sait Dogan, Associate, all Banking & Finance  Dr André Lippert, Part­ner Con­stan­ze Schweidtmann, Associate, both Real Estate & Public Dr Boris Alles, Partner Dr Theresa Kipp, Senior Associate, both Labor, Employment & Pensions CMS France Benoît Gomel, Partner Vincent Desbenoit, Associate Dylan Allali, all Corporate/M&A Caroline Froger-Michon, Partner Aurélie Parchet, As­so­ci­ate Ca­m­ille Baumgarten, Associate Sophie Yin, all Em­ploy­ment Claire Vannini, Partner Eleni Moraïtou, Coun­sel Lilia-Ori­ana Dif, Associate Ariane Rolin, all Competition & EU  Jean-Bap­tiste Thiénot, Partner Anaïs Arnal, Associate, both Intellectual Property Laurine Mayer, Associate, TMC Alexandre Chazot, Counsel, Banking & Fin­ance  Thi­erry Granier, Partner Renaud Grob, Partner, both Tax Arnaud Valverde, Senior Associate, Real Estate Olivier Kuhn, Partner Cécile Rebiffé, Counsel Mylène Garrouste, all Dispute Res­ol­u­tion Kawthar Ben Khelil, Coun­sel Jean-Pierre Malili, Associate, both Public law/In­fra­struc­ture CMS Italy Massimo Trentino, Partner, Corporate/M&A Maria Letizia Patania, Partner, Lifescience & Healthcare Gian Marco Lettieri, Senior Associate, Employment & Pensions Giulio Poggioli, Counsel Valerio Giuseppe Daniele, As­so­ci­ate Francesca Durante, Junior As­so­ci­ate  Arianna Toccaceli, Junior Associate, all Banking & Finance CMS Luxembourg Gérard Maitrejean, Partner Miruna Poenaru, Coun­sel Max­imili­an Helfgen, Associate, all Corporate/M&A CMS UK Jack Letson, Partner Lindsay McAllister, Associate, both Corporate/M&A David Dennis, Partner, Commercial CMS Netherlands Pieter van Duijvenvoorde, Partner Robert Jong, both Corporate/M&A Nigel Henssen Fleur van Assendelft de Coningh, both Employment Edmon Oude Elferink, Partner Marijke van der Vossen, both Antitrust, Competition & Trade CMS Serbia Radivoje Petrikić, Partner Mila Drljević, both Corporate/M&A CMS Austria Dieter Zandler, Partner Vanessa Horaceck, both Competition & EU CMS Ukraine Maria Orlyk, Partner Diana Valyeyeva CMS Turkiye Döne Yalçın, Partner Arcan Kemahlı,  Sa­ba­hat­tin Öztemiz Taner ElmasPress Con­tact presse@cms-hs. com
CMS advises shareholder of vision tools on the sale of a majority stake...
Frankfurt/Main - The shareholder of vision tools rental and distributions gmbh, a leading company for audiovisual technical equipment in Europe, has sold a majority stake in the company to the Dutch The Rental Group B.V., a portfolio company of Capital A Investment Partners. The aim of the strategic partnership of the AV rental service company vision tools is to utilize the synergies created by the merger and thus to consolidate sustainable growth and its market position. The parties have agreed not to disclose details of the transaction.A CMS team headed by Dr Joachim Dietrich advised the shareholder of vision tools on all legal aspects of this transaction. Press Con­tact presse@cms-hs. com   
CMS advises listed mobility solutions specialist Össur on acquisition of...
Frankfurt/Main – Össur, Nasdaq Copenhagen listed leading global provider of innovative mobility solutions, acquired all shares of privately owned Fior & Gentz, a Germany based leading European manufacturer of lower limb neuro orthotic components. Fior & Gentz develops and distributes knee and ankle orthotic joints to create innovative custom-made orthotic solutions for patients with gait impairments due to neurological conditions. The acquisition of Fior & Gentz represents an attractive opportunity for Össur to enter the fast-growing neuro orthotics market. The transaction volume amounts to around EUR 100 million plus an earn-out of up to EUR 20 million. The payment consists of cash as well as of newly issued, listed shares of Icelandic Össur hf. to the sellers of Fior & Gentz. An international CMS team led by Dr Heike Wagner and Dr Tobias Kilian advised Össur comprehensively on all legal aspects also in connection with this transaction. CMS Germany Dr Heike Wagner, Partner Dr Tobias Kilian, Of Counsel, both Lead Dr Reiner Thieme, As­so­ci­ate Nath­alie Amrhen, Associate, all Corporate / M&A Jörg Schrade, Partner Eduard Kosavtsev, Senior Associate, both Tax Dr Roland Wiring, Partner Dr Siham Hidar, Senior Associate  Noah Rodenkirchen, Associate, all Regulatory & Lifesciences Dr Stefan Lehr, Partner, Antitrust, Competition & Trade Dr Dirk Smielick, Principal Counsel, IP Prof Dr Malte Grützmacher, Partner, IT Dr Boris Alles, Partner Dela Herr, Associate, both Labor, Employment & Pensions  Dr Franz Maurer, Counsel Wiebke Westermann, Associate, both Real Estate & Public CMS Netherlands Roman Tarlavski, Part­ner Mar­cel­lina Rietvelt, Associate, both Corporate / M&A Martijn van der Bie, Partner Gieneke van Nierop, Counsel, both Corporate / Notaries CMS Norway Nicolas Jorn Brunet, Partner Tuva Svare, Associate, both Corporate / M&A Henrik Nordling, Partner, Antitrust, Competition & TradePress Con­tact presse@cms-hs. com
Future secured: CMS advises insolvency administrator of long-es­tab­lished...
Stuttgart – The future of Weck, a company whose history goes back some 123 years, has been secured. Globally active alternative investment group AURELIUS emerged as the successful bidder in a competitive...
CMS advises shareholders of MVC Mobile Video­Com­mu­nic­a­tion on international...
Frankfurt/Main – MVC Mobile Video­Com­mu­nic­a­tion GmbH, based in Kronberg (Taunus), and the Finnish company Elisa Videra are joining forces as part of a share swap. Elisa Videra is an internationally active...
CMS advises the shareholders of WSH Wurzinger Group on the sale to Kälte...
Frankfurt/Main – The WSH Wurzinger Group, founded in 1980 and a provider of technical building equipment with a focus on refrigeration, air conditioning and ventilation technology, was acquired by the...
CMS advises internationally operating Ecclesia Group on acquisition of...
Frankfurt/Main - The Ecclesia Group is continuing its growth course and has acquired the Pension Solutions Group. The brokerage company with over 120 employees from Erlangen specialises in the im­ple­ment­a­tion...
Massen­ent­las­sun­gen - Pflichten und arbeit­s­recht­liche Fallstricke
Collective redundancies are challenging not only from an HR perspective and for the employees affected, but also in legal terms. There are many pitfalls, and any mistakes can have serious consequences. Kira Falter and Dr Boris Alles, both from the Employment practice, provide answers to the latest and most critical issues around collective redundancies in our new “Einfach Arbeitsrecht” podcast. You can also find out whether existing case law is likely to be modified in the light of two cases currently before the European Court of Justice (ECJ).
CMS advises fund managed by private equity firm ECM on acquisition of ONE...
Frankfurt/Main – German Equity Partners V (“GEP V” or the “Fund”) has taken an equity interest in the Düs­sel­dorf-based talent acquisition platform ONE HIRING Group (“1H”) through a partnership...
CMS advises shareholders of IMAGE Group on sale of majority interest to...
Frankfurt/Main – The shareholders of IMAGE Information Systems Europe GmbH, a specialist in picture archiving and communication systems and radiology information systems, have sold a majority stake...
CMS advises majority shareholders of Ogitix Software AG on sale to Imprivata...
Frankfurt/Main – Ogitix Software AG has been acquired by Imprivata Inc. as part of a succession plan. The combined platforms of Imprivata and Ogitix unimate provide dedicated integration with Dedalus...
Insolvency administrator Dr Christian Holzmann agrees asset deal for MANO...
Duesseldorf – On 1 November 2022, Düsseldorf District Court opened insolvency proceedings in relation to the assets of MANO Arbeit­nehmer-Über­las­sungs­gesell­schaft mbH (MANO), which is based in Duesseldorf...