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Portrait ofDora Mršić

Dora Mršić


Bardek, Lisac, Mušec, Skoko and partners
in cooperation with CMS Reich-Rohrwig Hainz
Ilica 1
10000 Zagreb
Languages Croatian, English, German

Dora Mršić is an associate at CMS Zagreb since 2022. She is engaged in the field of energetics, renewable energy sources, and environmental protection law.
Dora supports clients by preparing the various legal documentation necessary to run successful and compliant daily business operations, and advises clients in a variety of industries, with an emphasis on the renewable energy sector, and conducting legal research.
Dora also assisted with work in the field of corporate and commercial law.

She graduated cum laude from the Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb and as a student, Dora was a student assistant of the chair of criminal law. During her studies, Dora represented her faculty at a Moot Court Competition in human rights and gained international experience during a term at the esteemed University CEU San Pablo in Madrid. As a student, she worked as a legal trainee for CMS.

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  • 2022 – Mag. iur., Law, University of Zagreb
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