- What is the general legislative framework regulating packaging and plastics waste?
- Are there any measures (existing or expected) in respect of single-use plastics?
- Are there any (existing or expected) producer responsibility schemes in place for packaging or plastics?
- Is there any (existing or expected) deposit return scheme (“DRS”) in place for packaging or plastics?
- Are there any (existing or expected) taxes on packaging or plastics?
- Are there any measures, existing or expected, regarding micro-plastics or the use of microbeads in products?
- Are there any (existing or expected) recycling or waste reduction targets in place for packaging or plastics?
- Is the use of recycled materials in food packaging regulated?
- Are there any other related measures of major interest in your jurisdiction?
1. What is the general legislative framework regulating packaging and plastics waste?
The general legal framework for the regulation of packaging and plastic waste is defined by: Environmental Act No. 2872, the Waste Management Ordinance and the Ordinance on the Management of Packaging Waste.
The above general legal framework aims at protecting natural resources, implementing the use of clean technology to ensure that production is in line with the sustainable environment and sustainable development principles, and promoting the production, design and use of more durable, reusable and recyclable products.
2. Are there any measures (existing or expected) in respect of single-use plastics?
The Ordinance on the Management of Packaging Waste states as a general principle that recyclable packaging is preferable to single-use plastics and further states that it is essential to include single-use packaging in the recycling process. In this context, the Packaging Waste Management Regulation provides for the introduction of a deposit-return system aimed at returning single-use packaging to the seller and achieving certain annual targets based on recycling rates.
3. Are there any (existing or expected) producer responsibility schemes in place for packaging or plastics?
Yes, according to the Ordinance on the Management of Packaging Waste, producers are obliged to comply with the Extended Producer Responsibility standards, design and produce packaging in such a way that it is suitable for recycling and ensures minimum potential harm to the environment, provide training for recycling and comply with the general principles of packaging production and release in the market.
Accordingly, producers will be responsible for implementing methods to ensure the efficient use of products throughout their life cycle, including repair, reuse and recycling.
Also, pursuant to the Regulation on Waste Management, waste producers are required to take necessary measures to minimize waste generation, segregate and store their wastes, keep records and use appropriate packaging and labelling for the wastes they generate, and send their wastes to waste processing facilities that have obtained environmental licenses/permits.
4. Is there any (existing or expected) deposit return scheme (“DRS”) in place for packaging or plastics?
Yes, according to the additional Article 12 of the Environmental Law, the implementation of deposit return will be mandatory for various types of packaging and products, as determined by the Ministry as of 1 January 2022.
The parties involved in the process, such as manufacturers, sellers, distributors of products, etc., must fulfil the relevant obligations, such as releasing certain products under the deposit return system in accordance with the principles for sellers to be established by the Ministry and fulfilling the conditions for participation in the deposit-return system, etc. If these obligations are not fulfilled, administrative penalties will be imposed.
Pursuant to the additional Article 12 of the Environmental Law, the Procedures and Principles on the Deposit System for Reusable Packaging ("Procedures and Principles") have been issued. The purpose of these Procedures and Principles is to determine the administrative and technical issues regarding the establishment of a deposit system for the return of the packages formed after the consumption / use of the goods and / or materials delivered to consumers and / or users with reusable packaging in order to ensure the re / reuse of the packaging and the implementation of the system.
5. Are there any (existing or expected) taxes on packaging or plastics?
Yes, sellers, importers and product importers are required to pay "recycling contribution shares" (geri kazanım katılım payı) for certain goods and products specified in the Environmental Law. Parties that do not comply with this requirement are subject to administrative penalties.
Some examples of recycling contribution shares for 2024 include: TRY 0.60 for each plastic bag, TRY 19 for each rubber tyre, TRY 4 per kilogram for plastic packaging (except beverage packaging and plastic bags), etc.”
6. Are there any measures, existing or expected, regarding micro-plastics or the use of microbeads in products?
7. Are there any (existing or expected) recycling or waste reduction targets in place for packaging or plastics?
Even though no specific targets have been set for packaging and/or plastic waste, plastics and plastic waste fall within the scope of the Zero Waste Management System, the implementation of which is intended to ensure environmental sustainability.
Zero Waste Management System is a waste management model applied by local governments, certain structures and institutions (e.g. airports, hospitals, shopping centers, retail chains, etc.) and voluntarily by other institutions and/or organisations, which establishes several objectives, principles and strategies, such as avoiding waste production when avoiding waste disposal is not possible, reducing the amount of waste, storing and separating the waste produced in accordance with the established principles, ensuring that temporary storage is not harmful to the environment and human health, etc.
Organisations receive Zero Waste certificates to the extent that they comply with the principles of the system.
8. Is the use of recycled materials in food packaging regulated?
Although there is not any specific regulation for the use of recycled materials in food packaging, the Regulation on the Management of Packaging Waste states that packaging must be designed and produced in a way that is most suitable for reuse and/or recycling and/or causes the least damage to the environment during disposal.
9. Are there any other related measures of major interest in your jurisdiction?
This chapter was last updated on December 2023 and does not reflect any subsequent developments in the law.