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Apart from offering expert legal consultancy for local jurisdictions, CMS Francis Lefebvre partners up with you to effectively navigate the complexities of global business and legal environments.

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Pay, employee savings and employee shareholding schemes

Simplifying employee savings schemes, setting up group retirement savings plans (plan d’épargne pour la retraite collectif, or PERCO), reducing taxation and relaxing the conditions for allocating bonus shares... Regardless of the sector in which you operate or the size of your organisation, in addition to the adjustments they require, the measures recently adopted under the legislation for growth, business activity and equality of financial opportunity are breaking new ground in terms of pay, both for corporate officers and for a company’s entire workforce. In a difficult economic climate characterised by strained employee-employer relations, the sharing of worth through employee savings and employee shareholding schemes is an effective way of engaging and motivating your employees. Profit-sharing, incentive schemes, company savings plans (known as plans d’épargne entreprise, or PEEs) or PERCOs are all payment arrangements that are likely to have a positive impact on your economic performance and employee satisfaction. They promote greater levels of engagement amongst employees, boosting activity and building trust within your teams, in addition to which, there is also a financial interest for your company.

To help you transform this possibility into an opportunity, the lawyers from our employment and social welfare department will help you to make the most of existing schemes, including the payment of your corporate officers; they will help you to set out a deferred compensation and profit-sharing policy for your employees and will assist with the drafting of the necessary agreements. Drawing on their solid, technical and strategic expertise and a detailed understanding of the issues, our specialist lawyers can act for you in a full range of related matters: profit-sharing, employee savings schemes (PEEs, PEIs [plans d’épargne inter-entreprise or inter-company savings plans], PERCOs), incentive schemes, working-time accounts, employee shareholding schemes, complex variable compensation systems, stock options and allocation of bonus shares or warrants for business start-up shares. In light of this, our teams’ unfettered access to the firm’s other areas of expertise is a key advantage, as the complexity of these issues demands a synergy of different legal specialisms; tax law and company law, in particular.


  • France
    26 Mar 2025

    CMS Annual Tax Con­fer­ence 2025

Local market knowledge. Global outlook

We provide future-facing legal advice to help your organisation thrive. Combining local market knowledge and a global perspective, and with lawyers in locations worldwide, your organisation benefits from the expertise it needs, even across borders.

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