Public procurement is the largest single global marketplace, accounting for around one-fifth of worldwide GDP. In this increasingly international marketplace, companies need to have confidence that public award procedures are transparent, fair and competitive. Whether under the WTO rules, EU or other international legislation, most countries across the world now have in place an established public procurement regime.
With over 140 specialists in over 35 countries worldwide, CMS has an outstanding reach and capacity to support companies bidding for public contracts. We regularly advise clients on navigating the different national procurement regimes, helping with the preparation of tenders and with contract negotiations. We are also highly skilled at challenging procurement processes in situations where the rules are not followed.
This Toolbox outlines the key remedies and time limits applied in 35 jurisdictions. It complements our e-Guides on the individual national regimes in these countries. If you need advice in any of these jurisdictions, contact details for the relevant local CMS procurement specialists are set out on pages 38-41 of the publication.