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Channel 4 will not be privatised.
Channel 4 will also no longer be barred from producing its own content and will get a new legal duty to consider its future sustainability alongside the delivery of its public service remit. In addition, the Government will raise the level of Channel's independent production quote, which will be done via secondary legislation.
Want to know more about this part of the draft Bill? Read CMS' analysis here
The Government has released its Impact Assessment on this part of the draft Bill. Read CMS' analysis here
The DCMS Select Committee produced a final report on the draft media bill. Click here for our summary of the significant proposed changes to the Channel 4 reforms.
Major online TV platforms will be required to carry and prominently feature "designated" PSB services, which will likely include PSB VoD services.
The draft Media Bill sets out the framework for the new prominence regime and introduces a new "must-offer and must-carry" regime.
Want to know more about this part of the draft Bill? Read CMS's analysis here
The Government has released its Impact Assessment on this part of the draft Bill. Read CMS' analysis here
The DCMS Select Committee produced a final report on the draft media bill. Click here for our summary of the significant proposed changes to the prominence regime.
The draft Media Bill provides that listed events will become a PSB benefit.
Although this current listed events regime in reality applies to PSBs (given only PSBs satisfy the thresholds required to make content available to a large enough audience) with the increased availability of broadband and connected devices, it was possible that in the not too distant future a non-PSB service could achieve such thresholds. The draft Bill reserves listed events for PSBs.
Want to know more about this part of the draft Bill? Read CMS' analysis here
The Government has released its Impact Assessment on this part of the draft Bill. Read CMS' analysis here
The DCMS Select Committee produced a final report on the draft media bill. Click here for our summary of the significant proposed changes to listed events.
Additional regulation, in the form of Ofcom rules, to narrow the gap between the regulation of traditional broadcasters and VOD service providers.
OFCOM will be given powers to draft and enforce a new Video-on-demand Code, similar to the Broadcasting Code, to ensure that VoD service providers are subject to similar standards as linear services. This new regime will be aimed at the largest VoD services, including international players.
Want to know more about this part of the draft Bill? Read CMS' analysis here
The Government has released its Impact Assessment on this part of the draft Bill. Read CMS' analysis here
The DCMS Select Committee produced a final report on the draft media bill. Click here for our summary of the significant proposed changes to VOD regulation.
Smart speaker platforms to be required to ensure access to all licensed UK radio stations, and new de-regulatory reforms introduced for analogue commercial radio.
The draft Media Bill ensures that UK licensed radio stations are made available on designated platforms for free and that platforms cannot overlay content (such as advertising) over the top of those services. In addition, the draft Bill introduces significant changes to the regulatory landscape of the commercial radio sector and allows for much greater flexibility in how stations deliver their services.
Want to know more about the draft Bill's impact on Smart Speakers? Read CMS' analysis here
Want to know more about the draft Bill's measures for commercial radio? Read CMS' analysis here
The Government has released its Impact Assessments on these parts of the draft Bill. Read CMS' analysis here for smart speaker regulation and here for commercial radio reforms.
New PSB remit and quota obligations. The draft Media Bill updates and (claims to simplify) the current PSB remit to give PSBs greater flexibility in how PSBs contribute to that remit, and will allow public service content on VoD services to contribute towards a remit's fulfilment. The draft Media bill also outlines new programming quotas for PSBs.
Want to know more about this part of the draft Bill? Read CMS' analysis here
The Government has released its Impact Assessment on this part of the draft Bill. Read CMS' analysis here
The DCMS Select Committee produced a final report on the draft media bill. Click here for our summary of the significant proposed changes to PSB reforms.
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