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Intellectual Property Lawyers

Kyrre Tangen Andersen
Norway, Stavanger
Kyrre Tangen Andersen works both in CMS Kluge’s department for IP, Technology & EEA and in CMS Kluge's Energy, Industry & Climate Department. He is also active in CMS Kluge's Litigation and Public Procurement...
Steffen Asmundsson
Norway, Oslo
Steffen Asmundsson has extensive experience with litigation, dispute resolution, negotiations and counselling. He frequently litigates for Norwegian courts and in arbitration and has a broad background...
Thomas Rieber-Mohn
Norway, Bergen
Thomas Rieber-Mohn has extensive experience with assisting businesses that one way or another deal with intellectual property rights. He has extensive practical and theoretical knowledge of the full...
Marte Thorsby
Norway, Oslo
Marte Thorsby is head of CMS Kluge's department of IP, technology and EEA. Thorsby is an experienced IP lawyer with strong commercial skills. Marte has been head of IFPI Norway since 2006, representing...
Oddleif Torvik
Norway, Bergen
Oddleif Torvik assists with advisory and transaction work (M&A) and dispute resolution broadly within the area of business law. Torvik's industry focus is primarily on aquaculture/seafood. He also advices...
Linn Cathrine Jøsendal
Associate Partner
Norway, Oslo
Linn Cathrine Jøsendal is specialized within intellectual property rights and has more than 15 years of experience. She handles cases regarding several different types of intellectual property rights...
Kenneth Bråten
Senior Lawyer
Norway, Stavanger
Kenneth Bråten works especially with consulting, negotiations and preparation of agreements related to both technology development/R&D and commercialization in general. This includes assistance in securing...
Mikkel Lassen Ellingsen
Senior Lawyer
Norway, Oslo
Mikkel Lassen Ellingsen is a commercial-minded lawyer working across all fields of IP, marketing law and unfair competition, with an emphasis on enforcement, dispute resolution and litigation. He assists...
Henrik Høines
Senior Lawyer
Norway, Stavanger
Henrik Høines is affiliated with CMS Kluge's IP, technology and EEA department, where he works in particular with Intellectual Property Rights and contract law.Høines provides assistance related to...
Morten Smedal Nadheim
Senior Lawyer
Norway, Oslo
Morten Nadheim has particular expertise in intellectual property law and transactions of intellectual property rights, but assists broadly in all fields of intellectual property law. He received his PhD...