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Property tax

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Frequent reforms dictate the way in which the tax regulations relating to the ownership of and transactions in property assets and property companies in France or abroad are shaped. At a time when the Government is keeping up the pressure in terms of audits, the tax implications of property investments, their structuring, financing and transfer, mean that a perfect understanding of the applicable tax rules is essential. Whether you are a bank, an institutional or private investor, property developer or estate agent, in France or abroad, our teams are here to help you with every aspect of your property business.

Our property tax practice covers the full range of matters, both in France and internationally: purchasing property assets or property companies; the tax applicable to the various types of French property companies and property investment companies and funds (SIIC, SCPI and OPCI); VAT on property; registration fees; taxation of property income and capital gains on property; local taxation; property-related profits of estate agents and constructors.

Our global, multi-disciplinary approach draws upon the cooperation of specialist lawyers whose complementary expertise enables us to fully understand each one of your property transactions. Our know-how, nurtured by more than 90 years of excellence and close collaboration with the key players in the property market, means that we can offer you practical, bespoke solutions.


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