CMS Expert Guide to Anti-Bribery and Corruption Laws

We are delighted to present the 7th edition of the CMS Guide to Anti-Bribery and Corruption Laws. Guide is now available in both offline PDF format and online on our website.

The purpose of the Guide is to provide an overview of anti-bribery and corruption laws in 52 countries worldwide. We are extremely fortunate and grateful that so many national experts have provided such clear and detailed content on the bribery laws of each jurisdiction. In our seventh edition, we have included new entries from eight additional countries: Algeria, Angola, Argentina, Morocco, Mozambique, North Macedonia, Norway and Sweden.

Since the last edition in 2021, 17 out of the 44 jurisdictions have introduced substantive changes to their anti-corruption laws. The vast majority of these have widened the scope of offences or introduced stronger penalties for breach.

As with previous editions, this Guide provides answers to the following key questions for each of the 52 countries:

  • what are the offences?
  • who can be liable and when?
  • what are the penalties?
  • what are the defences?

Of course, the answers will be generic – nothing in this publication amounts to legal advice. However the hope is that this information will provide users with an initial starting point when considering particular national regimes, as well as points of contact should specific advice be needed. 

We wish to thank all of those who have contributed to this Guide, the details for whom can be found on the final pages of the Guide. We would particularly like to thank the very generous contributions from the following leading firms:

  • Assegaf Hamzah & Partners, for contributing the chapter on Indonesia
  • Christopher & Lee Ong,  for contributing the chapter on Malaysia.
  • Corrs Chambers Westgarth, for contributing the chapter on Australia.
  • Khaitan & Co., for contributing the chapter on India.
  • Rajah & Tann Asia, for contributing the chapter on Thailand
  • Udo Udoma & Belo-Osagie, for contributing the chapter on Nigeria.

The contact details of all our key contributors can be found at the back of the PDF version of the Guide or online within each country chapter here. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions you may have.

CMS Guide to Anti Bribery and Corruption Laws
PDF 3.2 MB