
‘Darunavir’ CJEU referral withdrawn - Article 3(a) of the SPC Regulation
At the end of September, we reported here on the publication of AG Hogan’s Opinion on the joint referrals from the German Bundespatentgericht (case C-650/17) for Merck’s sitagliptin product and from...
Life Sciences & Healthcare
‘It’s like milk but made for humans’: General Court overturns EUIPO’s refusal to register Oatly’s trade mark
On 20 January 2021, the General Court (“GC”) handed down its judgment in the appeal brought by Oatly AB (“Oatly”) against the decision of the EU Intellectual Property Office (“EUIPO”) to...
Consumer Products
"Decreto dignità" - Novità in materia fiscale
01/08/2018 Con la presente Newsletter si intende offrire una sintesi delle principali novità in materia fiscale contenute nel Decreto Legge noto come “decreto dignità”, d’ora in avanti indicato semplicemente...
Fiscale e Tributario
"Unlock-Italy" Decree (Decreto Legge 133/2014) – New measures to promote development of Italian REITs (SIIQ)
The so-called "Unlock Italy" Decree - Decreto Legge 133/2014 (the Decree), published on the Italian Official Journal on 12 September 2014, has introduced, along with other measures aimed at revitalising...
Fiscale e Tributario
"Unlock-Italy" Decree (Decreto Legge 133/2014) – New measures to promote development of Italian REITs (SIIQ)
Tax Connect Flash The so-called "Unlock Italy" Decree - Decreto Legge 133/2014 (the Decree), published on the Italian Official Journal on 12 September 2014, has introduced, along with other measures aimed...
Fiscale e Tributario
Il Decreto Ferragosto - misure urgenti per il sostegno e il rilancio del lavoro
27/08/2020 Il Decreto-legge n. 104 del 14 agosto 2020, c.d. D.L. Agosto (rinominato "Rilancio 2") ha adottato una serie di importanti misure in materia di diritto del lavoro, per affrontare l'emergenza epidemiologica...
Diritto del Lavoro
“Decreto Semplificazioni”
18/12/2014 Premessa Con il Decreto Legislativo n. 175 del 21 novembre 2014, pubblicato sulla Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 277 del 28 novembre 2014, il legislatore è intervenuto con una serie di modifiche normative finalizzate...
Fiscale e Tributario
“Friends of an effective Digital Markets Act” – France, Germany and Netherlands make far-reaching proposals to overhaul Draft Digital Markets Act
On 27-28 May 2021, EU presidency informed member states at the EU Competitiveness Council on progress achieved so far on the Commission’s proposals for a Digital Services Act (DSA) and a Digital Markets...
TMC - Technology, Media & Communications
“Friends of an effective Digital Markets Act” part 2 – France, Germany and Netherlands publish second joint position paper with proposals to amend the DMA
In May 2021, France, Germany and the Netherlands published a non-paper with proposals to improve the Digital Markets Act (DMA). In this paper, the three member states, which refer to themselves as “Friends...
TMC - Technology, Media & Communications
“Losers” lose: transfer of a back-up copy of software, unless authorized, is not allowed
The European Court of Justice (“ECJ”), in the Aleksandrs Ranks and Jurijs Vasilevics case (C-166/15), held that although in applying the UsedSoft case (C-128/11) “the initial acquirer of a copy...
Intellectual Property