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Diego de Miguel


CMS Albiñana & Suárez de Lezo
Paseo de Recoletos 7–9
28004 Madrid
Languages English, Spanish

Diego de Miguel is Head of the Tax department at CMS Albiñana & Suárez de Lezo. He has extensive experience in ongoing tax advice, support to family businesses and family offices and in the defence of taxpayers' interests, both in their relations with the Tax Administration and in the development and processing of all types of contentious-administrative and administrative tax procedures. He has also participated in various projects of international tax advice, advice to property and real estate companies, design and implementation of investment structures and business restructuring.

He has been recognised in the Tax area by the most relevant and prestigious legal directories such as Chambers & Partners and Legal 500.

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Relevant experience

  • Diego has advised leading companies in their sectors on a variety of issues such as Acciona in the acquisition of Nordex or various companies in the challenge of the "sanitary cent tax".
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  • Diego has published a wide variety of articles and works for both specialist and general publications and publishers.
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Lectures list

  • During his career, he has been guest speaker on several courses and at seminars and conferences.
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  • 2005 - Master's Degree in Taxation, Centro de Estudios Financieros, Madrid (Spain). 
  • 2004 - Degree in Business Management, Universidad Pontificia Comillas ICADE, Madrid (Spain).
  • 2003 - Graduate of Law, Universidad Pontificia Comillas ICADE, Madrid (Spain).
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Tax Alert Royal Decree Verifactu
On 6 December 2023, the Spanish Ministry of Finance published the approval of the Royal Decree 1007/2023, dated on 5 December establishing the Regulation that establishes the requirements to be adopted by the electronic systems that support the invoicing processes of entrepreneurs and professionals, and the standardization of invoicing record formats (the “RD 1007/2023”, or, the “RD Verifactu”) and the draft Order developing the technical and functional specification referred in RD Verifactu (the “Draft Or­der”). To­geth­er, these two documents and the other annexes and criteria published by the Spanish Tax Authorities in its website constitute the so-called “Verifactu Project”.
CMS Expert Guide to Holding Company Regimes in Spain
Specific holding company regime(s) Spanish tax law provides and regulates a special regime for ‘For­eign-Se­cur­it­ies Holding Companies’, known in Spain as “entidades de tenencia de valores extraneros”...
Imputación temporal en el Impuesto sobre Sociedades de las devoluciones...
Alejandro García-Jalón
CMS Expert Guide to Mastering OECD's Pillar Two in Spain
1. Has there been a formal indication of the intention to implement Pillar Two/GloBE rules? Yes. 2. What is the implementation status of Pillar Two/GloBE rules? Pending implementation of the EU directive...
Recent Tax Developments around Renewables
The renewables sector has undergone rapid change in recent years. During the pandemic, many countries tried to boost their economies through strong tax and financial incentives for energy efficiency works...
Taxation of charity donations to EU public benefit organisations in Spain
1. Would a corporate legal entity in your jurisdiction be entitled to make a corporate income tax deduction in respect of donations made in favour of a public benefit organisation based in the EU outside...
CMS Expert Guide on substance issues across Europe in Spain
Introduction In Spain, the mechanism most commonly used by the tax authorities to consider the substance of companies is the “conflict in the application of the tax law”. This mechanism is regulated...
CMS advises Pictet on the acquisition of a large logistics warehouse in...
CMS Spain has advised funds managed and/or advised by Pictet Alternative Advisors, the alternative investment division of the Swiss-origin Pictet Group, in the acquisition of a large logistics warehouse...
CMS Annual Tax Conference 2023
We are delighted to invite you to attend our annual CMS Tax Conference 2023.   Our special guest speaker Prof. Dr. Werner Haslehner, University of Luxembourg, will describe how the EU tax environment has evolved over the past few years and how Luxembourg is dealing with EU initiatives and developments in terms of economic substance.   A panel of CMS experts will then discuss the position of foreign jurisdictions when it comes to analyse the economic substance of intermediate Luxembourg holding companies, taking into consideration notably the notion of beneficial ownership and the future requirements to be imposed by ATAD 3.   Towards the end of the conference you will have the opportunity to continue discussions and meet with CMS experts in tax law from across Europe during a drink on the amazing rooftop of the conference venue "SixSeven". Agenda 16:30 - 17:00:  Registration & welcome drinks17:00 - 17:05 : Welcome - Frédéric Feyten, Managing Partner CMS Luxembourg17:05 - 17:30: Opening Keynote - Prof. Dr. Werner Haslehner, University of Luxembourg17:45 - 18:30: Roundtable dis­cus­sion: Mod­er­ated by Frédéric Feyten (CMS Lux­em­bourg)Ag­nès de l'Estoile-Campi (CMS France)Tillman Kempf (CMS Germany)Carlo Gnetti (CMS Italy)Diego de Miguel Hernando (CMS Spain)Anna Burcher (CMS UK)from 18:30: Networking drinks
Start-up Law: a guide for start-ups, investors and employees
Aleksandra Czajka (coordinator), Pedro Ferreras, Diego de Miguel, Alfonso Codes, Helena Monzón, Paloma Herreros de Tejada, Alejandro Gar­cía-Noble­jasOn 23 December 2022, Law 28/2022 of 21 December to...
Consequences of the Court of Justice of the European Union ruling on the...
The Court of Justice of the European Union (hereinafter, “CJEU”) has declared the general rules on penalties for tax offences related to the informative declaration of overseas assets and rights...
Climate change taxation reforms and incentives in Spain
1. Has your country ratified the Paris Agreement?  Yes. 2. Has your country introduced environmental taxes? 2.1 Energy taxes Hydrocarbon tax (Impuesto especial sobre Hidrocarburos): The most important...