Is online gambling permitted?Yes
Licence available for…BettingYes
Card GamesYes
Footnotes and Notes

Online gambling is regulated and subject to a local licensing regime in Italy. Operators are required to hold an Italian remote gambling licence in order to allow a customer to participate in its own remote gambling activities. Licences for the provision of online gambling are issued from time to time by the Customs and Monopolies Agency (Agenzia delle Accise, Dogane e Monopoli “ADM”). It is only possible to submit applications during specific licensing windows opened by law. Licenses are provided on a “first come, first served” basis.

The existing gambling licences have been granted until December 31st, 2024 by the last Italian Budget Law 2023.

A reorganisation of the gambling licensing system is expected to be issued in 2023. .

A gambling advertising and sponsorship ban, which prohibits any form of direct or indirect advertising of betting and other forms of games with cash winnings, through any means, came into full force in 2019.


Last updated: April 2023