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What are the top three developments in Italy concerning green claims and the associated risk of greenwashing?

Sustainability and environmental issues are becoming extremely important for Italian consumers and public opinion. While Italian companies are increasingly inclined to adopt corporate policies inspired by a sense of respect for the environment and to demonstrate their green credentials, consumer associations, competent authorities and even competitors are becoming very proactive in monitoring the market and checking green claims’ veracity. This trend is helping both to protect consumers and to avoid distortions of competition mechanisms.

In light of the above, we have identified the following topics of interest that businesses making green advertising claims on the Italian market should be aware of.

1. The First Decision on Greenwashing Issued by an Italian Court.

Although not expressly regulated by Italian law, the “greenwashing” phenomenon has been the subject over time of numerous decisions issued by non-judicial authorities, including the Antitrust Authority and the Self-regulatory Institute for Marketing Communication (“IAP). While the decisions of the Antitrust Authority are usually based on the provisions regulating unfair commercial practices contained in the Consumer Code, those of the IAP are based on Article 12 of the Code of Marketing Communication, entitled “Protection of the natural environment”, which states that “Advertising claiming or suggesting environmental or ecological benefits must be based on truthful, pertinent and scientifically verifiable evidence. Such advertising must ensure a clear understanding of which aspect of the product or activity the claimed benefits refer to”.

In November 2021, for the first time, the greenwashing phenomenon was dealt with by a Court in a decision that has been welcomed by the doctrine as highly innovative.

By order of 25 November 2021, the Court of Gorizia, after referring to Legislative Decree no. 145/2007, which regulates misleading and comparative advertising in business-to-business relationships, as well as Article 12 above, and after describing the so-called “hook effect” that advertising has on consumers, held that the use of misleading green claims by the defendant company had resulted in a loss of market share for the claimant.

Based on these arguments, the Court:

  1. Ordered the defendant to immediately refrain from the dissemination of advertisements untruthfully suggesting ecological benefits and containing unverifiable information;
  2. Set penalties for each breach of the above injunction and for each day of delay in complying with it;
  3. Ordered the publication of the decision on the defendant’s website for 60 days; and
  4. Ordered the defendant to pay the costs of the proceedings.

The decision issued by the Court of Gorizia was appealed by the defendant company, and following the appeal, the Court of Gorizia annulled it, finding that no evidence had been offered with reference to the loss (or risk of loss) of market share by the claimant.

However, despite the annulment (which was based on burden of proof rules), the 2021 decision remains important because, in addition to being the first decision on this topic rendered by a judicial authority, it represents the first time that untruthful green claims have been considered as a tool to gain a competitive advantage on the market. In other words, for the first time, greenwashing has been considered from an unfair competition perspective instead of a consumer law perspective.

2. The approach taken by the IAP and the Antitrust Authority highlights the importance of substantiation for all green claims.

As set out in section (i) above, the greenwashing phenomenon has been the subject of numerous decisions issued by the Antitrust Authority and the IAP.

In particular, all of the IAP’s most recent decisions have stigmatised the use of evocative and stereotyped claims as non-compliant with requirements of the aforementioned Article 12 of the Code of Marketing Communication on the grounds that green claims can be considered valid only upon assessment that the advertising message delivered to consumers was based on evidence.

The same approach has been adopted by the Antitrust Authority which has set out some general requirements that green claims must comply with, based on the principles expressed in the Italian Consumer Code with regard to commercial advertisements. In particular, by means of provision no. 28060 of 20 December 2019, the Antitrust Authority clarified that environmental claims "must report the environmental benefits of the product in a timely and unambiguous way, be scientifically verifiable and properly expressed”, and that "a correct environmental claim should convey information adequately documented, scientifically 'verifiable' and limited to specific aspects that can be verified in a comparative key with respect to homogeneous products".

Heavy sanctions have been imposed on green claims advertising a wide range of products that, despite their truthfulness, were expressed in such a way that the consumers, instead of understanding their real meaning, were led to think that the company in general had a business activity that was highly environmentally friendly. One of the most sensational cases concerned a multinational company producing fuels, relating to an advertisement claiming that one of its products (a specific type of fuel) had a positive environmental impact due to its characteristics and in relation to both fuel savings and reduction of gas emissions.

In another remarkable case in respect of mineral water, a company presented its product as environmentally sustainable due to the use of an allegedly better-performing bottling material due to a reduced amount of plastic used. In that case, the inadequacy of the necessary data to give evidence of the lower amount of energy needed to produce such materials led the Antitrust Authority to assess the claim as misleading.

Unfortunately, when advertising their products, companies regularly use terms such as “sustainable”, “ecological”, “environmentally friendly” or “zero impact”, with the sole aim of attracting the attention of sustainability-conscious consumers, being aware of consumers’ increased sensitivity to sustainability and that the environmental impact of their products is one of the key factors influencing commercial choices.

3. The “MADE GREEN IN ITALY” certification programme is adopted to promote genuinely ‘green’ products.

In order to promote competitiveness of the Italian production system, Article 21, paragraph 1, of Law no. 221/2015 established a national programme for the assessment and communication, on a voluntary basis, of the environmental footprint of products. The programme, called “Made Green in Italy”, is managed by the Ministry of Ecological Transition and is based on the PEF - Product Environmental Footprint method, as defined by the European Commission in its Recommendation 2013/179/EU and related technical documents. The implementing regulation of “Made Green in Italy”, which aims to establish its operating procedures, was adopted by Ministerial Decree no. 56/2018.

The purpose of “Made Green in Italy” is to enhance the value of Italian products whose environmental performance has been positively tested by an independent body, through formal certification aimed at combining the environmental performance of products with the “Made in Italy” dimension, which is linked to the excellence of the national production system. In fact, the certificate “Made Green in Italy” is only applicable to goods and services that, according to existing laws, originate in Italy. This means that a product that is not 100% “Made in Italy”, and for which part of the processing occurs in other countries, can only adhere to the program if the last substantial and economically justified transformation of the product takes place in Italy.

Companies that have achieved the “Made Green in Italy” certification can bear the following logo:


The logo is aimed at making these products recognisable on the market and seeks to encourage more conscious choices on the part of consumers, with a consequent competitive advantage for Italian companies in terms of “green capabilities”.

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A European Commission website screening project, which reported in January, found that green claims were exaggerated, false or deceptive in 42% of cases, and more than half the time the information provided was in­ad­equate. 2021 therefore saw an increased focus from regulators on misleading green claims. In the UK, the Competition and Markets Authority recently published a new Green Claims Code, setting out six key principles for traders to follow when making environmental claims, together with over 100 pages of examples and more detailed advice, and has implied that enforcement in this area may follow soon in 2022. The Advertising Standards Authority recently carried out a review of its regulation of green claims regulation, announcing its decisions following the first stage of its review in September. In January 2021 the Netherlands Consumer and Markets Authority published Guidelines on Sustainability Claims, and in August 2021, the French government issued its Climate and Resilience Law. Similar developments are in train across Europe. Given the level of public concern about the environment, we expect that a finding that a business has been misleading consumers about its environmental credentials has the potential to be even more damaging to its reputation than other advertising breaches. Here are some key points to remember when making green claims. 1. Be clear Environmental claims are often technical and complex. Where terms are unclear, explain what you mean by them. Use appropriate qualifications and clarifications in the ad – significant qualifications should not be on a separate web page or another location where they are likely to go unread – but remember that these must be genuine qualifications of clarifications, and may not contradict the main claim. Avoid industry jargon, or explain it when used. 2. Be specific Identify the specific environmental benefit of your product or service and state it clearly. Avoid terms like “sus­tain­able”, “green”, “en­vir­on­ment­ally friendly”, “eco-friendly” or “kind to the planet”, which are largely meaningless. Comparative claims, such as “more sustainable” or “greener”, may be acceptable if you explain the specific environmental benefit clearly. A claim made for a product or service generally should be based on a “cradle-to-grave” assessment, taking into account the environmental effects of inputs such as raw materials, water and electricity, manufacturing, transport, use and end-of-life disposal. Even with more narrowly-framed claims, make sure you consider all aspects – a common pitfall is to claim that packaging is recyclable or plastic free, without considering whether inner packaging, glue or tape, all of which form part of the packaging, meet that description. 3. Limit your claims to what you can prove Start with the evidence you have, and work out what claims you can make based on that evidence. A common pitfall is to start with the claim and then cast about for evidence to support it, which often leads to a broader claim than can be substantiated. If you have taken waste out of the supply chain, limit your claim to the supply chain. If you have reduced CO2 emissions from transport, limit your claim to transport. 4. Sub­stan­ti­ation should be thorough and detailed Because they are often technical and detailed, environmental claims may require in-depth substantiation, and you may need to expend significant time and effort compiling it. For example, claims regarding carbon neutrality or reduced carbon require a thorough survey of a business’s operation and supply chain over a significant period, first to determine its baseline carbon emissions and then to track its progress towards reduced carbon or carbon neutrality. Be aware that terms such as “bio­de­grad­able”, “organic”, “renewable”, “com­postable”, “recycled”, “re­cyc­lable”, “reusable” and “car­bon-neut­ral” have specific technical meanings, and be ready to substantiate them accordingly. Substantiation by reference to an independent test standard, such as ISO 14021 on self-declared environmental claims, tends to be more persuasive than a standard developed in-house. Take care with symbols, which have specific meanings and rules for use. Make sure evidence is up to date. Make sure claims are accurate for normal use of the products, or qualify them accordingly – for example, if a product is only biodegradable in a specialist facility, and is likely to go to landfill where it will not degrade any quicker than normal products, do not claim “bio­de­grad­able”, or at least state that specialist facilities are required. 5. Don’t claim normal product features, or things you are required to do by law, as environmental benefits For example, in the UK, rinse-off toiletry products may not contain micro beads. Claiming such products are “micro bead free” is misleading, as it implies that the products have a particular environmental advantage over other products, which they do not. 6.  Take care with comparisons Comparative advertising raises its own specific issues, and, where it refers to a competitor or its product or service by name, can substantially heighten risks by opening up the possibility of trademark infringement. Make sure you compare like with like – the comparison should be of products or services meeting the same needs or intended for the same purpose. The features compared should be material and representative, and also “veri­fi­able”, which requires the detailed basis of the comparison to be disclosed proactively, either in the advertising itself or by way of a “signpost” in the ad directing readers to the source of information.  
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Paola Ghezzi
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