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Three lessons regarding sanctions for non-compliance with SAGRILAFT and...
On November 3, 2023, through resolutions 2023-01-880062 and 2023-01-880696 (the “Res­ol­u­tions”), the Superintendence of Companies (“SSC”) imposed fines on a well-known food delivery company totaling...
Corruption, Opacity, and Fraud Risk Management Subsystem of the National...
The Corruption, Opacity, and Fraud Risk Management Subsystem (“SICOF”) is part of the Integrated Risk Management System applicable to certain organizations in the Health Sector.  Through its regulation...
Chambers of Commerce and Foreign ESAL must implement SAGRILAFT and PTEE
Implications of the Empresa de Acueducto y Alcantarillado de Bogotá's compliance...
On the grounds of the Transparency and Public Ethics Programs introduced by Law 1474 of 2011 in its Article 73, as amended by Law 2195 of 2022 and CONPES D.C. This means that this CONPES is at the level...
The rigorous supervision and sanction policy of the Superintendence of...
For further information see the following link:  https://cms. law/en/col/pub­lic­a­tion/in­tro­du­cing-the-per­fect-ally-for-the-com­pli­ance-team-of-your-com­pany
Introducing the perfect ally for the compliance team of your company
Effectively and efficiently coordinate everyone regardless of their role, level, jurisdiction, branch, division, etc;Effectively and efficiently audit whether everyone is doing what they are supposed...
Changes regarding compliance matters introduced by the Transparency Law...
The Superintendence of Companies has issued new instructions for the im­ple­ment­a­tion...
​The Superintendence of Companies (the “SC”) issued two new regulations through which it intends to strengthen the fight against corruption by means of efficient corporate governance mechanisms...
The term to adopt a SAGRILAFT is extended
On April 9th, 2020, the Superintendence of Companies (“SC”) issued External Resolution 100-000004 of 2021 (“Resolution 100-00004”) through which several sections of External Resolution 100-000016...
Comprehensive amendment to the Superintendence of Companies Resolution...
On December 24th, 2020, the Superintendence of Companies issued External Resolution No. 100-000016 (the “New AML/CFT/FPWMD Resolution”).  The New AML/CFT/FPWMD Resolution comprehensively amended...
New measures adopted to strengthen the legal mechanisms to fight against...
lower-romanAn individual that has been de­clared:  Ju­di­cially responsible for the commission of any crimes against public administration; or Any of the crimes or faults included in Law 1474 of 2011;...
Implementation of blockchain in public procurement to reduce corruption...
The Office of the Inspector General of Colombia partnered with the Inter-American Development Bank and the World Economic Forum to lead a mul­tidiscip­lin­ary team to develop the “Transparency Project”...