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Rogier de Vrey

Advocaat | Head of IP

Atrium - Parnassusweg 737
1077 DG Amsterdam
Postbus 94700
1090 GS Amsterdam
Talen Engels, Nederlands

Rogier de Vrey is hoofd van de Praktijkgroep IP/TMC en heeft uitgebreide ervaring in het adviseren over alle aspecten van intellectueel eigendom en media- en reclameaangelegenheden.​

Rogier promoveerde op mededinging- en reclamerecht. Tijdens zijn PhD werkte Rogier bij verschillende gerenommeerde instellingen, waaronder de Europese Commissie en het Max Planck Instituut in München.​

In zijn praktijk legt Rogier een bijzondere nadruk op internationale intellectuele eigendomsrechten, zowel transacties als geschillen. Hij adviseert op het gebied van parallelhandel, bestrijding van namaak, hinderlaagmarketing, sponsoring en licenties, ticketing regulering, exploitatie en handhaving van (digitale) mediarechten, reclame en IE-inbreuk.​

Rogier is hoofddocent aan de Universiteit Utrecht en lid van de redactieraad van het gerenommeerde tijdschrift Intellectual Property and Advertising Law (IER). Ook is hij auteur van verschillende publicaties op het gebied van IP/TMC, waaronder coauteur van het toonaangevende handboek over Handhaving van Intellectuele Eigendomsrechten.

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"Rogier de Vrey is dedicated, enthusiastic and competent."

The Legal 500 EMEA, 2024

"Rogier de Vrey is an excellent communicator. Decisive, but open to suggestions."

The Legal 500 EMEA, 2024

"Rogier de Vrey is an excellent communicator. Decisive but open to suggestions."

The Legal 500 EMEA, 2024

"In court, Rogier de Vrey and Yasar Çelebi know how to stick to the agreed-upon strategy despite the counterparty’s attempts to distract them."

The Legal 500 EMEA, 2024

"Rogier is always available for consultation on short notice which makes it very easy for our global team to have global team discussions whenever necessary."

The Legal 500 EMEA, 2022

"Rogier is highly recommended for his efficiency, knowledge, skill and dedication to deliver a great service."

The Legal 500 EMEA, 2022

Rogier is just there when you need him, always flexible, in a good mood and never compromising on quality.

The Legal 500 EMEA, 2021

Partner Rogier de Vrey is easily approachable to the client and strong in communication. He is straightforward and paints a clear picture of expectations.

The Legal 500 EMEA, 2020

"Department head Rogier de Vrey assists clients with transactional and contentious matters in relation to all types of IP assets; he also has expertise in breeder’s rights and crop protection issues."

The Legal 500, 2019

Lidmaatschappen en functies

  • Docent Universiteit Leiden / PAO ('Verdieping Merken- en Modellenrecht)
  • Docent Universiteit Utrecht / PAO (Handhaving IE)
  • Docent Universiteit van Amsterdam / VSO (IE in de marketing)
  • Docent Universiteit Utrecht / Centrum voor Intellectueel Eigendomsrecht (CIER) (verbonden als onderzoeker)
  • Docent Universiteit Leiden (Communicatie- en Mediarecht)
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Awards & Rankings

  • The Legal 500 EMEA, 2024, Rogier de Vrey is ranked Next Generation Partner
  • The Legal 500 EMEA, 2024, Rogier de Vrey is Recommended
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  • Nederlands recht (econ. publiek- bedrijfs- en privaatrecht), Universiteit Utrecht
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Experts in Gambling Law
The gambling industry is constantly in a state of change. While regulatory liberalisation is creating new opportunities in some jurisdictions, tightening legislation is closing down avenues in others...


Netherlands publishes survey on compliance with “Guidelines for Online...
In August 2024, the Dutch Consumer & Market Authority released a survey of webshops on adherence to the “Guidelines for Online Consumer Protection”. The study aimed to assess if webshops were complying...
Netherlands Media Authority fines a social media influencer for the first...
On 18 June 2024, the Dutch Media Authority imposed its first fine on an influencer/video uploader for breaches of the Dutch Media Act's advertising rules. Rules for influencersSince 1 July 2022, certain...
Navigating the UPC: Insights from Year One
Join us on 10 July at 3:00 pm (CET) for an insightful online seminar as we delve into the inaugural year of the Unified Patent Court (UPC). Since its opening in June 2023, the UPC has changed the patent enforcement landscape in Europe and affected patent strategies for many companies. 12 months into its operation, we will analyse the trends emerging from the first decisions and the implications for overall strategies for patent en­for­ce­ment. Du­ring the webinar, you will hear from CMS patent experts (lawyers and patent attorneys) from several jurisdictions, including Austria, France, Germany, the Netherlands, and the UK. They will provide a comprehensive overview of the UPC’s first year in numbers and discuss the issues relating to preliminary injunctions, security for cost and enforcement. You will also hear about the pros and cons of opting out of the system and why you might want to reconsider this de­ci­si­on. Whe­ther you are a patent holder or a licensee, whether you have opted out of the Unitary Patent System or not, this webinar will provide valuable insights into the impact of the UPC on all companies with innovative activities in Europe.  Topics covered:  UPC’s year one in numbers – overview in sta­tis­tics Pre­li­mi­na­ry injunctions – Landmark decisions in the UPC’s first year Victory – what happens next? Should you revisit your opt-out decision?The webinar will be held in English language and attendance is free of charge. Please register by clicking on the button below.
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CMS heeft Syncona geadviseerd bij het leiden van een Series B in­ves­te­rings­ron­de van 80 miljoen euro met betrekking tot iOnctura B.V. Syncona is een aan de LSE genoteerd toonaangevend bedrijf dat zich...
ACM fines Epic Games after ruling Fortnite encouraged children to buy
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Dutch court rules losses to online gamblers must be repaid
In two judgments in April 2024, the Dutch District Court Overijssel ruled in favour of two online gamblers who filed suit against two online gambling companies. The online poker players sought refunds...
Netherlands: Misleading environmental claims in airline marketing
April 2024
Transfer of IP rights in the Netherlands
Pa­tents: As­sign­ment 1. How may a patent be assigned (by law and/or transaction) and is it required to record the assignment in the national patent register to become effective?  The Dutch the Patent...
Green/sustai­na­bi­li­ty claims and advertising and consumer greenwashing
In the era of increased environmental awareness, the spotlight on green claims has never been more intense. As consumers are concerned about global heating and ecological sustainability, they are scrutinizing products like never before, seeking eco-friendly options that align with their values. In response, businesses have responded to this concern and consumers’ purchase interest, with brand-owners increasingly highlighting the benign or even beneficial effects their products and services have on the environment fostering a surge in green marketing initiatives. Yet, amidst this push for sustainability, the risk of being accused of greenwashing is omnipresent. As environmental characteristics of products and services are highly technical and the understanding of the various concepts involved is continuously changing, en­vi­ron­men­tal/sustai­na­bi­li­ty claims raise a significant risk of confusing and misleading consumers. Many companies have fallen foul of advertising standards in this area recently. Given the high sensitivity of environmental claims and the reputational damage that can result from allegations of greenwashing, it is particularly important to make sure environmental claims are compliant. By ensuring truthful, accurate and unambiguous information is always given to the consumers, companies can avoid the risks and build a reputation for authenticity in their sustainability advertising and communications. CMS guides companies through the maze of regulations and case law and advise on the steps a company can take to ensure their advertising is not only compliant but also authentic and impactful. The priority questions we address are: Which green claims are likely to raise litigation or regulatory enforcement risks?What can businesses do to mitigate these risks?What are the likely claims/en­for­ce­ment that could arise?Who is likely to make a claim?What are the risks in the event of a violation or a complaint? What future regulatory measures are expected and what companies have to do now to be prepared? We offer various solutions to help you be compliant and avoid accusations of greenwashing: Sustainability claim checks including regulatory risk matrix as well as litigation: evaluating the planned claims and mapping their risk as well as developing compliant marketing strategies and claims custom-tailored to your business's unique pro­fi­le;Sustai­na­bi­li­ty-re­la­ted litigation: providing comprehensive support in legal disputes in the area of advertising with environmental claims;Training sessions: to empower your legal, compliance and sustainability as well as advertising teams with in-depth knowledge of sustainability risks and mitigation strategies; andBoard packs: to equip your directors/board members with actionable insights into greenwashing risks, ensuring they steer the company toward sustainable strategies with confidence and integrity.  For an initial conversation on how we can support you on greenwashing risk, please reach out to the lawyers listed on this page or to your usual CMS contact.
Life Sciences & Healthcare update: maart 2024
De continue ontwikkeling van nieuwe medische hulpmiddelen en geneesmiddelen gaat gepaard met een toenemende rol van technologie en veranderende regelgeving. In de enerverende life sciences branche neemt de behoefte aan specialistische juridische kennis zodoende steeds meer toe. Om u te helpen voorop te blijven lopen, brengen wij daarom een maandelijkse newsflash met de laatste gerechtelijke uitspraken, informatie afkomstig van de autoriteiten en relevante ach­ter­grond­ar­ti­ke­len. Om navigeren zo eenvoudig mogelijk te maken, hebben we de informatie opgesplitst in twee overzichten, één overzicht specifiek over geneesmiddelen en één overzicht specifiek over medische hulpmiddelen. Klik hieronder op het voor u relevante overzicht en blijf op de hoogte van deze cruciale ontwikkelingen.
CMS gerankt in de Legal 500 EMEA 2024
De nieuwste rankings van de Legal 500 Europe, Middle East & Africa (EMEA) zijn uit. Wij danken onze cliënten voor hun vertrouwen in ons en hun feedback. Onze advocaten worden beschreven als 'personal...
Life Sciences & Healthcare update: februari 2024
De continue ontwikkeling van nieuwe medische hulpmiddelen en geneesmiddelen gaat gepaard met een toenemende rol van technologie en veranderende regelgeving. In de enerverende life sciences branche neemt de behoefte aan specialistische juridische kennis zodoende steeds meer toe. Om u te helpen voorop te blijven lopen, brengen wij daarom een maandelijkse newsflash met de laatste gerechtelijke uitspraken, informatie afkomstig van de autoriteiten en relevante ach­ter­grond­ar­ti­ke­len.