Due to the coronavirus pandemic, many countries have instituted extraordinary mandatory measures to prevent further spreading of COVID-19, such as restriction of movement and public gatherings, closure of bars, restaurants and similar public places, introduction of home-office regimes and limitation of working hours of some public services. To enable businesses to better prepare and organise around on-going competition matters, like merger filings, in the time of crisis, we have prepared a quick overview of the current working regimes of national competition authorities (NCAs) in the western Balkan countries.
Some information presented in this article is unofficial and may change with new measures being introduced. We will monitor the situation and keep you informed to the best of our capabilities. In case you need any further clarification, feel free to contact us.
LINK 1 LINK 2 LINK 3 Link 4 Link 5
Email 1: competition@caa.gov.al
Email 2: kontakt@bihkonk.gov.ba
Email 3: agencija.ztn@aztn.gov.hr OR pisarnica@aztn.gov.hr
Email 4: pisarnica@aztn.gov.hr
Email 5: info.konkurrenca@rks-gov.net
Email 6: zastita.konkurencije@azzk.me
Email 7: gp.avk@gov.si
Find more articles about the legal impact of the coronavirus here.