Data Protection & Privacy

Advocatenkantoor in Nederland gespecialiseerd in Data Protection & Privacy

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Het Cybersecurity & Privacy team van CMS Nederland heeft lange praktijkervaring in het adviseren van Nederlandse en internationale cliënten over bescherming van persoonsgegevens en cyberrisicomanagement in veel verschillende branches. In onze aanpak combineren we grondig juridisch specialisme met diepgaande kennis over de specifiek per branche of toepassing geldende eisen. De nauwe internationale samenwerking binnen CMS stelt ons in staat om vragen op elk Europees niveau te behandelen.


In een speelveld met snelle technologische veranderingen en toenemende afhankelijkheid van bedrijfskritieke ICT systemen ontstaan zorgen over cyberincidenten, zoals phishing e-mails, CEO-fraude en ransomware-aanvallen.

CMS helpt organisaties bij het formuleren van een effectieve juridische strategie in cyberrisicomanagement. Wij begrijpen dat cyberrisico een holistisch vraagstuk is, dat niet kan worden opgelost door alleen te kijken met een juridische bril. Onze advocaten zijn daarom gewend om nauw samen te werken in multidisciplinaire teams op elk niveau binnen de organisatie, zoals uw ICT-, HR-, compliance-, communicatieafdeling of bestuur. Onze dagelijkse werkzaamheden omvatten ook nauwe samenwerkingen met externe IT (forensische) specialisten en crisiscommunicatie experts.

Een greep uit onze expertise:

  • 24/7 juridische bijstand bij beveiligingsincidenten,
  • Vertegenwoordiging van cliënten bij contact met toezichthouders
  • Contracteren over informatiebeveiliging
  • Adviseren en procederen over cyberschade

Data Protection & Privacy

Wij bieden support en advies bij het opzetten van business (modellen) in overeenstemming met de privacy regelgeving (privacy by design), waardoor die werkbaar zijn in een omgeving waar privacy en bescherming van persoonsgegevens steeds gevoeliger issues worden. De nauwe internationale samenwerking binnen de CMS Data Protection Group stelt ons in staat om vragen op elk Europees niveau te behandelen.

Enkele voorbeelden van wat we doen:

  • Het privacy-compliant structureren van alle interne en externe processen die te maken hebben met verwerking van persoonsgegevens van klanten, personeel of derden.
  • Advies over uitwisseling of export van persoonsgegevens.
  • Advies over privacy-issues in het naar de cloud brengen van IT- of business processen of het aanbieden van cloud-diensten aan klanten.
  • Opstellen van verwerkersovereenkomsten en BCR
  • Ontwerp van privacy policies en persoonsgegevens-strategieën, inclusief aspecten van ondernemingsraad en CAO.
  • Advies over (technische) aspecten van gegevensbescherming in systemen en verwante juridische issues i.v.m. verzamelen, genereren, gebruik en analyse van informatie / big data.
  • Vertegenwoordiging en optreden bij AP en andere toezichtorganen.
  • Bijstand bij een datalek ('cybersecurity inbreuk') of andere crisis waarin feitelijk of mogelijk schending van beveiliging van persoonsgegevens aan de orde is.

We hebben ervaring opgedaan in het begeleiden van de juridische kant van privacy-gerelateerde projecten voor cliënten in veel verschillende branches, zoals onder meer de financiële dienstverlening, gezondheidszorg en lifesciences, IT en telecom, consumentenproducten, onroerend goed (investment management) en de hotelbranche.

"The team we worked with at CMS were very professional, high level of in-depth knowledge, approachable and in general pleasant to work with."

The Legal 500 EMEA, 2024

"In short I think the people of the team are very well qualified and driven which makes them like a partner in crime while delivering their services. They are always answering their phone and very cooperative. Just a pleasure to work with."

The Legal 500 EMEA, 2024

"The team consists of lawyers with extensive knowledge of cyber incidents. they switch very quickly in the event of a cyber incident and know how to bring in the right experts in the field of a cyber attack where the need arises at the time. Their own focus is on breach of personal data and how to secure it, recover it or take further action on it"

The Legal 500 EMEA, 2024

"The CMS Data privacy and data protection practice offers a high level of support that can handle anything from the most basic tasks to supporting with a data breach in less than 2 hours’ notice."

The Legal 500 EMEA, 2023

"The team consists of highly qualified people with thorough knowledge of data privacy and protection."

The Legal 500 EMEA, 2023

"The team is right there the moment you need them. The advice given is carefully formulated and explained in a manner that makes you feel confident that all relevant aspects are considered."

The Legal 500 EMEA, 2023

"Excellent business acumen and knowledgeable people. Focused on good collaboration during complex cases, excellent listeners and filtering out the essence quickly."

The Legal 500 EMEA, 2022

"Willing to achieve the utmost, deliver high standards."

The Legal 500 EMEA, 2022

‘Very pragmatic approach to privacy issues around the globe.’

Legal500 EMEA, 2021
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Open secrets? Guarding value in the intangible economy
Some leaks can’t be fixed “Confidential information is like an ice cube... give it to the party who has no refrigerator or will not agree to keep it in one, and by the time of the trial you have just a pool of water.” This, from the so-called Spycatcher case (1987), applies well to corporate assets: fail to store them correctly and all you might have left is an expensive mess. The consequences of even a minor exposure of a trade secret can be huge. As this report reveals, the protection of trade secrets is rightly recognised by most senior executives as a priority issue. But the research also reveals gaps that leave companies unnecessarily exposed to risks. The top named threats – cybersecurity attacks and employee leaks – resonate with what we see impacting our clients. Increased home and remote working is straining security measures and employee loyalty. Added to this, an ‘innovate or die’ attitude in high­ly-com­pe­ti­ti­ve sectors can motivate new joiners to arrive with questionable material from their previous employer, or worse: outright theft between competitors. But while it is easy to focus on the lurking threats from weakened cyber security and disgruntled employees – and they are important – there are more routine actions a company can take to safeguard its secrets than just updating its IT systems or the employee handbook. Commonly, those who most need our help already have a trade secrets policy but have not properly implemented it in relation to the secret in question. Or the policy has not been updated to reflect the intangible assets the business now owns. Or protection was taken for granted. With trade secrets – which for many businesses are strategically more important than a public patent portfolio – it is always costlier and messier to find solutions after a theft or a leak. Identifying the trade secrets and the threats posed to them, combined with rigorous internal processes and well-drafted contracts, can help prevent such problems from happening. Harder, but just as necessary, is engaging hearts and minds in corporate culture, to know why trade secrets are important, why we are all are responsible for protecting them, and what may happen if we do not (to both the company and the individual). In our experience, the businesses with the strongest defences have not only thought strategically about their intangible assets and how best to protect them but are also prepared for the worst. The trick to avoiding an asset becoming a crisis is to be wise before the event.
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