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Portrait ofHélène Brin

Hélène Brin


CMS Francis Lefebvre Avocats
2 rue Ancelle
92522 Neuilly-sur-Seine
Languages French, English

Hélène Brin has joined CMS Francis Lefebvre in 2018.

She advises companies in their relationship with French Tax Authorities both in tax audits and before Courts in case of litigation, in VAT, tax on wages and other indirect taxes.

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Memberships & Roles

  • Member of the Hauts-de-Seine Bar Association
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  • CAPA, post-graduate legal qualification required to practice as a solicitor or barrister in France (2018)
  • Master’s degree in Corporate and Tax Law (DJCE), University of Lorraine (2014)
  • Post-graduate diploma in taxation, University of Montpellier (2014)
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Réforme de la TVA du e‑commerce
L’Union européenne a profondément modifié le régime de TVA des ventes à distance de biens à destination des particuliers pour l’adapter au e-commerce. Après un report de 6 mois lié à la crise...
TVA immobilière et droits de mutation (DMTO)
Nous intervenons pour sécuriser le régime fiscal des opérations immobilières et pour définir les avantages et les risques induits par l’exercice d’options pour la taxation à la TVA ou les souscriptions...


Electronic invoicing: What does the reform entail?
‑‑This page presents the main aspects of the reform and is updated periodically (last updated on 04/01/2024). The legislative framework is defined by the Amending Finance law No. 2022-1157 of 16 August...
Electronic invoicing and transmission of transactions data to the tax authorities
Check out our infographics to understand the basics of the reform. The legislative framework for this e-invoicing reform is defined in an Amending Finance Act (Act No. 2022-1157 of 16 August 2022, Art...
Glossary of electronic invoicing
B2B/B2C/B2G: acronyms used to categorise business relations based on the nature of the parties involved:o    B2B (Business to Business) relations are those between two taxable persons, o    B2C...