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Portrait ofDylan Allali

Dylan Allali


CMS Francis Lefebvre Avocats
2 rue Ancelle
92522 Neuilly-sur-Seine
Languages French, English

Dylan Allali is a Corporate and M&A lawyer at CMS Francis Lefebvre since 2022.

He joined CMS Francis Lefebvre after completing her internship as a trainee lawyer at the firm.

Dylan is involved in corporate law, mergers & acquisitions, private equity and restructuring operations.

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Relevant experience

  • Intern, Lexton Avocats (corporate M&A) (2021).
  • Intern, Awkis Avocats (business law) (2018, 2019)
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Memberships & Roles

  • Hauts-de-Seine Bar Admission (2023)
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  • French Bar admission (2022)
  • Master’s degree in Corporate Law  – Université Paris II – Panthéon Assas (2020) 
  • Private Law degree - Université paris I – Panthéon Sorbonne (2018)
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