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Cor­por­ate House­keep­ing

Digital all-in-one package for your Corporate Housekeeping

For international groups with their subsidiaries and branch offices, it is a growing challenge to keep track of changes within the group structure as well as the group's corporate and commercial law documentation and to ensure that they are legally compliant.

What is the idea behind our Corporate Housekeeping solution?

We have developed a software-based solution that makes it easier to fulfil applicable reporting obligations as well as to initiate resolutions and the resulting individual measures in order to reduce the liability risk.

The CMS Smart Solutions team records all the entities of your group in a to-do board and a
compliance calendar. Automatic e-mail alerts reliably inform you of changes or upcoming due dates and remind you of the annual data check.

Your advantages:

  • Overview of your entities, their resolutions, and individual measures as well as all reporting and documentation obligations under company and commercial law
  • Quick and efficient set-up of a structured compliance calendar
  • On-time reminders of upcoming due dates and automatic updates for following years
  • Optional outsourcing of further corporate housekeeping activities to experienced CMS legal specialists

The use of data that has been recorded once for automatic analyses and dashboards not only
increases efficiency but can also be used for various reports. With the help of document
automation, your CMS lawyers can react to the input of proxy and managing director changes and finalize resolution documents, commercial register applications or other documents in the tool in a legally compliant manner.


If you have any questions about the CMS Corporate Housekeeping and its possible uses,
please ask your contact at CMS or get in touch with us at extranet-support@cms-hs.com.

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