Boardroom Diversity

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A professional approach to sustainability contributes indirectly to diversity because equal opportunities are a prerequisite for sustainable business practices. Accordingly, groups that are disadvantaged in practice must receive special support. Boardroom diversity is a reflection of your company’s success in creating equal opportunities and enabling employees to reach board level regardless of gender, ethnicity, origin or disability. Diversity on management and supervisory boards is one of your measurable contributions to sustainability.

Companies also need to ask themselves what measures promote lasting diversity at management level.

Paula Wernecke, Chief Human Resources Officer

The First Leadership Positions Act and Second Leadership Positions Act (Führungspositionen-Gesetz – FüPoG and FüPoG II) are aimed at increasing the proportion of women in leadership positions in both the private and public sectors, thereby promoting gender equality in these areas. The German federal government is widely expected to consider adopting additional diversity requirements for companies.

We can help you to critically review your processes with regard to diversity on the management board and supervisory board and/or to put new processes in place.

We would be pleased to advise you on matters relating to boardroom diversity. Please contact us.

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