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Dr. Petra Schaffner


CMS Hasche Sigle
Kranhaus 1
Im Zollhafen 18
50678 Cologne
Languages German, English

Petra Schaffner is a specialist in the areas of corporate/M&A and corporate compliance.

She advises on all areas of corporate and partnership law, including providing advice on the law relating to stock corporations and corporate groups, D&O liability, and preparing and conducting general meetings, shareholders' meetings and general assemblies. One focus of her practice is providing advice on corporate governance and ESG issues, and on the (internal) structure of companies and groups, including the legally compliant implementation of matrix structures. This also includes advice to management and supervisory boards and support to companies in connection with corporate codetermination.

In recent years, Petra Schaffner has also advised on numerous national and international corporate transactions. She has extensive experience in corporate acquisitions for German and international strategic investors as well as in German and cross-border joint ventures. She regularly contributes her expertise in corporate law to the restructuring of (international) groups and outsourcing projects.

In the area of compliance, the advisory services focus on the implementation and improvement of compliance programmes or individual compliance modules and their integration into the company's governance structures, the performance of compliance risk analyses and the management of internal investigations and the processing of compliance violations. Building on her governance and compliance expertise, she increasingly provides advice on ESG compliance issues.

Her clients include German and international medium-sized companies and listed companies, international corporate groups and public sector institutions. She has special industry expertise in advising companies in the insurance sector and the industrial/automotive sector.

Petra Schaffner conducts management and supervisory board training and compliance training for employees on a regular basis.

Petra Schaffner joined CMS in 2000 and has been a partner since 2007.

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„Oft empfohlen“ für ESG – Umwelt, Soziales, Unternehmensführung

JUVE Handbuch, 2023/2024

„sehr kompetent“, „sehr gut organisiert u. vernetzt in der eigenen Organisation“, Mandanten; Vertragsrecht/Compliance

JUVE Handbuch, 2023/2024

Listed for Mergers and Acquisitions

Deutschlands beste Anwälte 2024 – Handelsblatt in Kooperation mit Best Lawyers

Relevant experience

Corporate / M&A


  • City Chic Collective Ltd | Advice to the Australian listed company on market entry and an acquisition in Germany
  • International lighting solutions group | Advice on an add-on acquisition in Germany and subsequent integration
  • Leading tyre manufacturer | Advice on intra-group carve-out and ongoing corporate law advice
  • Advice to several international groups in connection with the introduction and implementation of matrix structures
  • Alphartis Group | Complex corporate law restructuring in the course of internationalisation involving a number of SEs
  • Energy management group | Advice on closing a complex international asset deal in Germany
  • Kulzer GmbH | Advice on the sale of the turning milling centre business unit at the Hanau site by Kulzer GmbH, a member of the Mitsui Chemicals Group, to i-Prodens GmbH
  • Jardine Lloyd Thompson Group plc | Advice on the acquisition of OWL Marine Insurance Brokers GmbH & Co. KG
  • UK based listed group | Advice on acquisitions in Germany
  • Ströer Group | Advice on acquisition of Social Media Interactive; advice on acquisition of UAM Media Group
  • walter services group | Advice on various transactions, e.g., on the acquisition of seven locations from Telekom subsidiary VCS
  • German investment company | Advice regarding international investments and acquisitions
  • US-based listed group | Advice on reorganisations, adaptation of corporate governance structures in 19 EU countries
  • Mitsui Sumitomo Group | Advice on the establishment of an insurance company in Germany and asset deals, also on governance issues




  • Swiss state-owned technology company | Advice in connection with compliance risk analyses
  • Swiss financial and insurance company | Advice in connection with dawn raid preparedness
  • UK real estate and construction company | Advice in connection with complex internal investigation
  • International real estate company | Advice and assistance in complex internal investigations linked to several internal reports of fraud allegations
  • DAX 30 company | Advice on reviewing and revising corporate governance and corporate compliance structures in connection with an investigation
  • Several medium-sized companies in the industrial sector | Advice on the implementation of compliance structures
  • Two listed companies in the media industry | Advice on compliance issues


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Memberships & Roles

  • Member of the supervisory board of JOBLINGE gemeinnützige AG Rheinland
  • Member of the Corporate Law Committee of the German Federal Chamber of Lawyers (Bundesrechtswaltskammer)
  • VGR – Corporate law association
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  • "Governance, Risk, Compliance (GRC)" in Hamann/Sigle/Grub, corporate law, financing and corporate succession, 3rd edition 2022 (together with Dr. Harald Potinecke and Laura Posch)
  • "Nachhaltigkeit – Ein Thema von rasant wachsender Bedeutung, auch für den Profifußball", Sportrecht und E-Sportrecht in der Praxis (SpoPrax) 2022, 433
  • "Frauenquote für Vorstände: Was kommt jetzt auf Unternehmen zu?" , Der Betrieb 2021, M18, gemeinsam mit Kira Falter
  • "Neues zur Frauenquote: Was in diesem Jahr geplant ist", Blog-Beitrag Human Resources Manager vom 08.02.2021, gemeinsam mit Kira Falter
  • "Virtuelle Beschlussfassung in Kapitalgesellschaften und Vereinen", 1. Auflage 2021, C.H. Beck, gemeinsam mit Hendrik Schindler
  • Compliance- und Unternehmensrichtlinien (with Dr Mayer-Uellner), "Wertpapier-Compliance in der Praxis", 2019, pp 1083 ff.: a commentary on current legal obligations, 2nd ed.
  • "M&A-Transaktionen – Wie viel Compliance ist nötig, wie wenig ist möglich?" (with Dr Benjamin D. Ullrich), Compliance Berater 8/2017, pp. 289-294
  • "Notwendigkeit, Konzeption und Elemente eines effektiven Compliance-Systems" (with Dr Richard Mayer-Uellner), Controlling 2010, pp. 611-616
  • "So verbindlich wie nötig, so flexibel wie möglich, REIT UP" – Das Magazin von REITs in Deutschland 2007, pp. 14-15, and www.reits-in-deutschland.de
  • "Haftungsbeschränkungen im Managementletter", Betriebs-Berater 2007, pp. 1292-1294
  • "Entschädigung: Wer? Wen? Wofür? Womit?" – Article on the REIT bill, www.reits-in-deutschland.de, 2007
  • "Die Vorgesellschaft als Gesellschaft sui generis – Struktur- und Haftungsfragen bei Vor-GmbH und Vor-Partnerschaftsgesellschaft" 2003
  • Comments on the decision of the German Federal Labour Court, 18 September 1997 (with Professor Dr Henssler), EWiR 1998, p. 245
  • "Gleichbehandlung von Männern und Frauen beim Lohn" (with Professor Dr Henssler), SAE 1997, pp. 186-189
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Lectures list

  • „Der neue DCGK 2022 – was ändert sich für die ESG-Compliance konkret?“, Management Circle Fachkonferenz, 13. Juni 2023 in Frankfurt am Main (together with Carola Kürten)
  • “Sustainable Business – What role does the law play”, German In-House Lawyer Day 2022, November 3, 2022 in Berlin (together with Dr. Nikolas Gregor)
  • "What is in the "G" in ESG?", BUJ Corporate Lawyers' Congress 2022, September 29, 2022 in Berlin (together with Dr. Hilke Herchen)
  • "Sustainable Corporate Governance and Compliance Management", webinar series Compliance Sessions 2022, June 21, 2022 (together with Dr. Hilke Herchen)
  • "Securing the future through sustainable corporate governance", webinar series Sustainable into the future, May 4, 2022
  • "ESG – Unternehmensleiter zwischen Hard Law, Soft Law und den Erwartungen von Stakeholdern" (with Dr Christoph von Eiff), Deutsche Börse stocks & standards Virtual Talk, 31 March 2022
  • "Neue Compliance-Anforderungen für die Organe nach dem FISG", 13th Annual Conference "Bilanzkontrolle und Abschlussprüfung" of Deutsches Aktieninstitut (with Dominik von Zehmen), 30 November 2021
  • "Neues zur Compliance-Organisation – oder: Der richtige Umgang mit Geschäftsgeheimnissen" (with Dr Heike Blank, Dr Thomas Sonnenberg), CMS: Cologne Governance und Compliance Breakfast, 22 May 2019 in Cologne
  • "Der neue Geheimnisschutz: die Baustellen sind überall" (with Dr Maximilian Koschker, Alexander Leister), CMS Compliance Forum 2019, 5 November 2019 in Frankfurt am Main
  • "CSR im Kontext von Governance – Informationsflüsse zwischen Organen und Schlüsselfunktionen", Second Annual Conference Risiko Compliance & Fraud 2018 at the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, 16 May 2018 in Frankfurt am Main
  • "Compliance und M&A-Transaktionen" (with Dr Benjamin D. Ullrich), Deutsche Compliance Konferenz 2017, 28 June 2017 in Frankfurt am Main
  • "CSR im Kontext von Corporate Governance: Bedeutung der CRS-Richtlinie und deren Umsetzung – Ausgewählte Perspektiven für strategische Ansätze" (with Eckart Gottschalk), Conference CGC Strategies, 18/19 June 2017 in Berlin
  • "Deutsche Unternehmensmitbestimmung im Fokus des Europarechts" (with Martina Higaldo), 16th CMS Labour Law Congress, 16 May 2017 in Frankfurt am Main
  • "Kooperation mit der Staatsmacht oder stille Beerdigung? Best Practice bei Verdacht auf Non-Compliance" – lecture 12 November 2015 in Cologne
  • "Compliance bei Mergers & Acquisitions" – Lecture 24 September 2014 in Cologne
  • "Compliance und Mittelstand – Was ist zwingend und was ist sinnvoll?", 11th Mittelstandstag Nordrhein-Westfalen, 27 June 2013 in Cologne
  • "Handlungspflichten und Risiken für die Geschäftsleitung", Bund der Unternehmensjuristen 2012, lecture during workshop "Internal Investigations" on 24 April 2012 in Frankfurt am Main
  • "Risikofaktor Geschäftsgeheimnis – Strategien zum Umgang mit Wissen: Wie organisiert man einen Betrieb, um vorhandenes Wissen optimal zu schützen und zu bewahren?" Chamber of Industry and Commerce 2012, lecture with lawyer Michael Kamps on 19 April 2012 in Cologne "Compliance-Verstöße: Persönliche Haftung des Managements?" – lecture during the CMS Compliance Roadshow 2011, 28 September 2011 in Cologne
  • "M&A Roadshow 2010 – Streitprävention bei M&A-Transaktionen – Aus der Nachsorge zur Vorsorge", lecture on 21 September 2010 in Cologne
  • "Compliance aktuell: Prävention und Krisenmanagement", lecture during the CMS Compliance Roadshow 2010, 7 September 2010 in Düsseldorf
  • "M&A Roadshow 2009 – der Blick nach vorn", lecture during the CMS client seminar am 29 September 2009 in Cologne
  • "Wie viel Compliance brauchen Sie? – Bausteine für ein erfolgreiches Compliance-Programm", lecture during the CMS Compliance Roadshow 2009, 24 June 2009 in Cologne
  • "Der Unternehmensverkauf aus rechtlicher und steuerlicher Sicht – Risiken erkennen und vermeiden", lecture during the CMS client seminar "Unternehmensverkauf und -kauf erfolgreich gestalten" with Klein & Coll. and the LGT Bank on 30 April 2009 in Cologne
  • "M&A Roadshow 2008 – Strategische Chancen", lecture during the CMS client seminar on 15 October 2008 in Düsseldorf und on 30 October 2008 in Cologne
  • "Corporate Compliance", lecture during the CMS client seminar "Compliance 360° – Haftungsvermeidung im Unternehmen" on 26 April 2007 in Frankfurt am Main and on 18 September 2007 in Cologne
  • "Fit für das UMAG", CMS client seminar, 2005
  • "Rendite und Exit bei offenen und stillen Beteiligungen", 6th Investor Get-Together of the Business Angel Venture GmbH, Deutsche Bank AG and CMS Hasche Sigle, 2005
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  • Doctorate under Professor Dr Henssler on a corporate law topic
  • Research assistant at the Institute for the Law of the Legal Profession and at the Institute for Employment and Commercial Law at the University of Cologne (Professor Dr Martin Henssler)
  • 1995: Second state law examination
  • 1993 - 1996: Research assistant for the Großer Klausurenkurs, a special course for law students in preparation of their exams (Professor Dr Herbert Wiedemann).
  • Law studies at the University of Cologne
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CMS advises Metzler Pension Management GmbH on acquisition of Nürnberger...
Frankfurt am Main – Metzler Pension Management GmbH has acquired all the shares in Nürnberger Pensionsfonds AG from Nürnberger Lebens­ver­sicher­ung AG. The transaction is subject to the usual regulatory conditions, including completion of the holder control procedure by the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin). Nürnberger Pensionsfonds AG’s portfolio management, which has to date been conducted within the group, will be outsourced to an external portfolio manager once the transaction has completed.A CMS team headed by partner Dr Hendrik Hirsch advised Metzler Pension Management GmbH, which is part of Metzler Bank, on all legal aspects of the transaction. Metzler Bank is a longstanding CMS client and relies on the team’s expertise on a regular basis. Metzler Pension Management GmbH offers a wide range of services and financing vehicles for occupational pension schemes, with a focus on capital market-based solutions for structuring pension as­sets.NÜRN­BER­GER Pensionsfonds AG (NPF) covers one of the five implementation methods for occupational retirement provision in Germany. NPF’s products provide employers with various options for removing pension obligations from the balance sheet. Assets under NPF management amounted to around EUR 290 million as at the end of 2023. The portfolio comprises more than 700 companies with some 3,600 individual pension accounts. CMS Germany Dr Hendrik Hirsch, Lead Partner Dr Maximilian Stark, Senior Associate Dr Petra Schaffner, Partner, all Corporate/M&A Dr Andreas Hofelich, Partner Dr Mario Brungs, Counsel, both Labor, Employment & Pensions Dr Winfried Schnepp, Partner Dr Thomas Maur, Partner Dr Eva Margareta Wolff, Principal Counsel  Dr Aline Icha-Spratte, Coun­sel Kath­ar­ina Kipar, Senior Associate, all Insurance Dr Annett Kenk, Principal Coun­sel  Stef­fen Preis, Senior Associate, both Tax Theresa Lenger, Senior Associate, TMC Stefan Lehr, Partner Kirsten Baubkus-Gérard, Senior Associate, both Antitrust, Competition & TradePress Con­tact presse@cms-hs. com
Women on Boards Directive: (Uniform) gender quotas for listed companies...
40 % quota for the supervisory board and 33 % quota for the management board and supervisory board - is there a need for action for listed companies in Germany? Directive (EU) 2022/2381 of the European...
New German Corporate Governance Code (GCGC 2022) adopted, featuring sus­tain­ab­il­ity...
The new GCGC 2022 provides for numerous sus­tain­ab­il­ity-re­lated recommendations that further increase the pressure for sustainability transformation. The government commission on the German Corporate Governance...
Draft GCGC 2022 has a strong focus on sustainability
On 21 January 2022, the Government Commission German Corporate Governance Code adopted the draft German Corporate Governance Code 2022 (GCGC 2022-E). The deadline for comments expires on 11 March 2022...
CMS advises INDUS Holding AG on successful capital increase
Cologne – SDAX-listed INDUS Holding AG has successfully carried out a capital increase amounting to around 10% of its share capital, making partial use of authorised capital. The new shares were placed...
CMS advises shareholders in insurtech firm Community Life on sale of majority...
Cologne – The shareholders in Community Life GmbH have sold a majority stake to HDI Lebens­ver­sicher­ung AG. Details of the transaction were not disclosed.A CMS team led by Dr Winfried Schnepp and Dr...
CMS advises Spigraph Group on sale of ALOS to KYOCERA
Cologne – The Spigraph Group SAS has sold its affiliated companies ALOS GmbH in Germany and ALOS Solution AG in Switzerland to Kyocera Document Solutions Europe B.V. The acquisition of ALOS sees Kyocera...
CMS advises British firm Jardine Lloyd Thompson Group on acquisition of...
Cologne – UK company Jardine Lloyd Thompson Group plc has acquired all the shares in Hamburg-based OWL Marine Insurance Brokers GmbH & Co. KG. The deal enables the London-based insurance broker to expand...
Final consultation on German Corporate Governance Code expected soon
More transparency and more precise recommendations – these are the adjustments the government commission in charge of the German Corporate Governance Code (DCGK) would like to see in 2017. The commission...
CMS advises Zukunftsfonds Heilbronn on sale of medical technology firm...
Munich – zfhn Zukunftsfonds Heilbronn, one of Germany’s largest private venture capital providers, has sold Heilbronn-based XENIOS AG to Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co. KGaA (Fresenius Medical Care)...
CMS advises on merger of Delvag Rück into Delvag
Cologne – The merger of Delvag Rück­ver­sicher­ungs-AG (Delvag Rück) into Delvag Luftfahrtver­sicher­ungs-AG (Delvag) became effective today on being entered into the Cologne Commercial Register. As part...
HOCHTIEF sells subsidiary formart to ActivumSG with advice from CMS
Frankfurt/Main – Germany’s leading construction group, HOCHTIEF, has sold its property developer subsidiary, formart GmbH & Co KG, to Jersey-based private equity investor ActivumSG Capital Management.A...