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Discover thought leadership and legal insights by our legal experts from across CMS. In our Expert Guides, written by CMS lawyers from across the jurisdictions where we operate, we provide you with in-depth legal research and insights that can be read both online and offline. You can also find Law-Now articles, newsletter and other publications with focused legal analysis, commentary and insights to help you anticipate future challenges and much more.

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E-learning | Introduction to Data Protection
This e-learning course covers the basics of data protection law based on the GDPR. It is aimed at all persons who come into contact with personal data in the course of their professional activities and provides a good overview of the most important data protection principles and requirements. Thanks to numerous animations and illustrative practical examples, it enables participants to quickly become familiar with the topic.  The aim of the e-learning course is to raise awareness of the lawful handling of personal data in all areas of the company and to enable employees to respond appropriately to data protection incidents and other situations.        
GDPR Enforcement Tracker Report
The CMS Data Protection Group is pleased to launch the 5th edition In the six years since the GDPR came into force, this powerful framework to protect personal data has certainly helped to raise awareness and encourage compliance efforts – just as the European legislator intended. At the same time, the risk of fines of up to EUR 20 million or 4% of a company’s global annual turnover can also lead to fear and reluctance or ignorance about compliance issues. We still believe that facts are better than fear. This is why we continuously update our list of publicly known fines in the GDPR Enforcement Tracker and established the GDPR Enforcement Tracker Report as an annual deep dive approach to provide you with more insights into the world of GDPR fines.
E-learning | Open source compliance for software developers
This e-learning course has been specially designed for software developers. Its purpose is to raise awareness of what needs to be considered from a legal viewpoint when software developers use open source software.
E-learning | Open source compliance – basics
This e-learning course teaches the basics of open source compliance. The aim of the course is to raise awareness of the advantages as well as the risks and pitfalls of open source software in all these levels of the company. At the end of the course, solutions to identify risks and avoid them as best as possible through appropriate processes are shown. The e-learning course is aimed at everyone in companies who comes into contact with open source software. This includes not only management but also the IT and development department, purchasing, sales and product management.
Emerging Europe M&A Report 2023/2024
Despite geopolitical tensions, fears of recession and strong inflationary pressures across the EU, as well as the fiscal tightening needed to contain them, M&A in the CEE region has remained reasonably buoyant. Findings from the CMS Emer­ging Europe M&A 2023/24 report, published in cooperation with EMIS, demonstrate the resilience of the Emerging Europe deals market as activity holds firm against a backdrop of geopolitical tensions and strong inflationary pressures. Welcome to the 2023/24 edition of the Emerging Europe report.
Globale Ver­trag­sauto­mat­is­ier­ung: Das Erfolgskonzept von LEONI
Decentralised drafting of directors’ employment contracts across more than 25 countries involves potential legal risks for companies. Document automation can reduce these risks significantly. In today’s podcast, Larissa Böhme and Sebastian Mohr, Senior Vice President Corporate HR & Global at LEONI, talk about the global automation project implemented by LEONI in close collaboration with CMS. The project was not just about automating contract preparation to increase efficiency, it also involved developing clear standards, creating transparency and maintaining control over the process. Find out here about the approach adopted and which factors had to be taken into account to ensure the success of the project.
Generative AI in corporate change: opportunities and challenges for the...
Generative artificial intelligence (generative AI) has made impressive progress in recent years and is increasingly used across a range of fields. This technological breakthrough also opens up the potential for revolutionising legal work. From the start of the first AI wave through to today’s large language models with their comprehensive problem-solving capabilities, our new “Simply. Innovative” podcast with Dr Frederik Leenen and Larissa Böhme discusses the differences between generative AI and other forms. Further topics include how prompting techniques can be used to reduce hallucination, and the role that the shift in corporate culture plays in the deployment of these technologies.
Die Macht der Self-Ser­vice-Tools – An­wendungsbeis­piele von Vodafone
The use of self-service tools offers major potential to ease the workload on lawyers and to increase efficiency. To ensure that development and integration run smoothly, regular dialogue with the various departments is essential. This enables relevant use cases to be identified, resulting in simple, user-friendly solutions. In this podcast, Larissa Böhme and Patrick Temmler from Vodafone discuss successful use cases for self-service tools, and the technologies through which they can be implemented.
Law & Sports
In our Law & Sports podcast series, we discuss the latest developments around sports law, covering matters such as players’ agents in professional football, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on various types of sports and issues relating to e-sports. Stay on the ball and find out what’s happening in the world of sport.
KI für die Rechtsabteilung
Innovative, practical, accessible – welcome to KI für die Rechts­ab­teilung! In this series, we take you on an exciting journey into the future of legal advice. Alongside discussing theoretical concepts, specific examples of usage and practical case studies, we also look at how artificial intelligence can be deployed in legal departments. Learn here how AI can be successfully used to make processes more efficient and to handle legal tasks.  
Einfach Arbeitsrecht
Labor and employment law to go – in the new “Einfach Arbeitsrecht” series, we cut through the complexity to provide concise answers to key questions around labor and employment law, with a particular focus on new ways of working, compliance and all the other issues that affect employers.
Raus aus der eigenen Bubble - das kann Legal Operations von anderen Op­er­a­tion­sein­heiten...
Digitalisation, increasing compliance requirements and rising cost pressure all make it necessary for businesses to professionalise the structure of their legal operations. But how can this best be done? What existing tools from other operational units can be used for this purpose? In the first podcast of our new “Simply. Innovative” series, Larissa Böhme, a lawyer in the CMS legal tech team, and Steven Knoblich, Business Process Management lead at a DAX-listed company, address the current status of legal operations in German companies. They examine how legal tech enables work to be handled more efficiently, and what obstacles can be overcome through optimised cooperation with other operational units.