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Tech and Commercial Insights

Past event
26 June 2024, 09:00 - 12:30 UTC +01:00

We are delighted to invite you to the summer edition of our Tech and Commercial Insights conference. This event is tailored to equip organisations with the latest insights and strategies needed to navigate the ever-changing landscape of business transactions successfully.

Join us for an enriching session led by seasoned legal experts, where you will acquire actionable insights to strengthen your organisation's contractual strategies and maintain a competitive edge in today's business environment.

Please do come early and join us for coffee and breakfast.

As ever, the content will be tailored, and we invite you to submit any specific questions in advance by emailing us at Events@cms.cmno.com

To RSVP, please click the button below.


David Dennis, Partner, CMS

What you need to know about the world’s first comprehensive AI law
Ian Stevens, Partner, CMS

Negotiating Difficult Issues in Outsourcing Contracts
How to negotiate the complex clauses in IT and business process outsourcing contracts
Dr Sam De Silva, Partner, Global Co-Head of the Commercial Practice Group, CMS

Limitation of liability
A reminder of key drafting considerations
Sarah Hanson, Partner, CMS

2024 Contract Law Update
The latest big cases for tech and commercial law
Will Anderson, Partner, CMS

Third Party Rights Quiz
Samuel Oustayiannis, Partner, CMS