
Construction & Engineering
Whether you are an employer/owner, contractor, funder/investor or you are buying an interest in a project that is under construction or has recently been completed, you need documents that reflect your...
United Kingdom
Defendant Personal Injury
The CMS Defendant Personal Injury team is ranked Tier 1 in the Legal 500 and specialises in the defence of personal injury claims on behalf of public bodies, insurers and self-insured corporate clients...
United Kingdom
Dispute Resolution
The CMS Dispute Resolution team offers the full range of integrated support, sector and commercial experience and a world-class service to respond quickly to you - a true 360° approach, from long-term...
United Kingdom
Real Estate
Construction & Engineering
With a recently strong UK real estate market struggling to keep up with demand, competition for prime assets is higher than ever. In addition to availability, landlords, developers, asset managers, investors...
United Kingdom
Construction & Engineering
Real Estate
With a recently strong UK real estate market struggling to keep up with demand, competition for prime assets is higher than ever. In addition to availability, landlords, developers, asset managers, investors...
United Kingdom